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Posts posted by KarmaTsunami

  1. My Minds Weapon...first time i've seen them and was very impressed. the last song was ace and thanks to you bastards i have 'in this movie i produce i act i direct' stuck in my head. FOREVER. although i agree with chris in that you don't seem to have 'your own stamp' on it yet, but i reckon if you keep going as you are it'll come in time.

    WBL - fookin' hell. the last time i saw you guys was july 11th and fuck me. leaps and bounds and you guys were awesome! just..wow.

    missed eric euan for bus.

  2. deadloss were really good, despite the illness

    kathryn was really, really good. after what i'd read about he ron these here boards i wasn't expecting much and was happily silenced.

    craig b...holy fuck, what a voice. absolutely amazing. i wasn't having the best of nights..been in a bad place for a few days but that cheered me right up (surprisingly)

    great gig.

  3. i generally don't get involved in 'emo' arguments, because most of them are pointless, boring, and in a years time will anyone give a shit/remember besides those that like the music? probably not.

    emo started with rites of spring and fugazi, then went onto extend to describing bands like mineral, braid and sunny day real estate, nowadays any jimmy ate glassjaw then went to a funeral then used his crazyfists to sing a static lullaby kind of band is described as 'emo' which some love, some stand, some hate with a fiery passion. however if it's a dictionary definition you're after try here -


    and enjoy.

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