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Posts posted by KarmaTsunami

  1. AFI back catalouge. been meaning to buy their stuff for ages but i never have the money..soon though..very soon..muahahaha!!

    onelinedrawing - volunteers

    bleeding through - this is love,this is murderous

    quicksand - slip

    fugazi - in on the killer take

    cursive - burst and bloom ep

    cursive - such blinding stars for starving eyes

    cursive - The Storms of Early Summer: Semantics of Song

    mogwai - come on die young

    mogwai - young team

  2. Originally posted by Ben Quik:

    oh fuck you...shut the fuck up with that fucking pissing hippy attitude...and if you fucking think rise fucking against are bastarding emo you are pissing shitting fucking wrong got it? Fuck knuckles??

    *joke ;)*

    swearing makes baby jesus cry. then god gets angry. then knee-caps go missing. emo cunt.




  3. this line-up fucking blows. only a few acts i'd pay to go see, but not worth the full ticket price. i mean 50 cent, franz fucking ferdinand and the bloody libertines on the main stage?????? I thought Reading was meant to be a ROCK festival. Clearly it has lost this mantle to Download which is just a bit sad really.

  4. the strokes wear vintage t-shirts...and converses come to think of it...are they emo?

    juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust kidding. don't want to open a whole can of worms there...

    but out of curiosity, what's being achieved here? i mean everytime there's a thread involving the 'e' word, it just turns into a big rant of 'fuck you, emo sucks', 'fuck you, emo doesn't', 'fuck you its a fashion', 'fuck you, emo won't fade', until eventually people are just cussing all over the shop. i mean what would your mothers think? but seriously..at the end end of the day the fashion trend came from the music which has been around since the 80's, yes in comparison to other genres it's relatively new but that doesn't make it any less valid. in my opinion anyway. if someone listens to emo, let them, what harm could it possibly do you?

    i have no real point here, other than every thread i see involving the word emo, 90% of them turn into slagging matches with no real point other than whose side can use more swear words.


  5. the darkness were alright with their tea-time slot last year. but that they're now headlining is bollocks. they'll probably release a new album before/just after the festivals. meaning that they can do oldies and new songs...or air new material...possibly a cover version and there's your time slot filled, but i don't think they're a headline band. less so than the white stripes, who i feel would be better suited to headlining one of the tents or having a mid-afternoon slot on mainstage. but that's just my two cents.

  6. you might have wanted to say it was a review..or put it in quote box. but that is bollocks, whilst i do kind of like sparta, at the drive in were far superior...i'm not sure what they would have done next if they hadn't broken up..probably imploded into a wonderous cacaphony of noise and afros...but 'relationship of command' is a step forwards for anyone, whereas 'wiretap scars' was a step back for the members involved.

  7. plus i've seen plent of people dressed pretty damned close to, if not exactly like, the people in those 'how to dress emo' guides. some of them are piss takes true and fair, but some of them come pretty close to being practicaly genuine.

    but leave vintage t-shirts alone. vintage t-shirts are ace.

  8. they're meant to play every year. in my mind anyway. actually no they're not, they've got to play a gig in the barrowlands at least once every year...

    but i digress..

    last year one of the top bands for me was the headliner in the new bands tent on the last night...Manitoba. i went along on a whim, and what i witnessed was one fine ass swirl of noise created by men in bear masks. and a saxamatone. does it get any cooler? no. for it i missed the yeah yeah yeahs (kind of sad) and metallica (couldn't give a shit), but was well worth it. I might go along purely because sometimes the smaller tent acts are brilliant. 'hope of the states' played just beforehand and what i heard was bloody brilliant.

  9. James Johnston posted on the forums,

    i wish i was writing for other reasons, but as some of you have learned we have had some terrible bad luck.

    i'm reluctant to say too much because family is private and i'm sure you all respect that, but we've suffered a very unexpected and tragic bereavement.

    your sympathies are gratefully received...thank you

  10. ace. check me making some kind of sense.

    emo is a fashion, as far as clothing goes i can see where you guys are coming from..but it's unfair to assume that everyone who listens to 'emo' music looks 'emo', that's like saying everyone into old-skool metal wears denim, leather and studs. and rides a motorbike. if it does become less popular then so be it, let the wheat be seperated from the chaf when it comes to sink or swim time like it did with nu-metal. the fact is that the originators of the genre and those in it who truly believe in the music will probably still be around whilst those who had a fanbase because it was fashionable fade away.

  11. i don't want to get in trouble, but i can *Kind of* see where the Green Day comparisons come from...they're not as glaringly obvious as people make them out to be, but i can hear hints of really early Green Day being an influence here..as well as the surf-rock-pop-punk-mousecore* stuff you guys are good at.

    *last one may not be a real genre

  12. Originally posted by neil ex:

    haha, what a load of shite. how is it?

    i've not heard half of these emo bands because i don't read any of those kiddy magasines that tell you what to listen to or watch any of those petty music channels.

    all i know is that emo seems to be a fashion that isn't going to be around for long and that there will be a new emo along soon with a different name.

    it's just record companies making money by taking advantage of close minded kids that will express false opinions to fit in.

    for every person who says 'i like emo music', there's another, if not ten more to say 'oh..emo..what a lot of balls'.

    what i want to know is why people can't be into the music they're into without having it's integrity/validity questioned by someone who obviously must know so much more than them about the music business/industry. Sure it's a bit of a cash-cow just now, and the genre is being watered down with acts that sound exactly the same as the one before, but you can't apply that to the whole genre. Take for example, nu-metal. It was what you might call the 'old' emo...you had bands like korn, limp bizkit, deftones, linkin park etc..now whilst it's a scene that has faded with korn and limp bizkit's latest output being nothing but dire the Deftones have moved on, taking the nu-metal sound and laying it to waste on newer releases that set them apart from their 'genre-buddies'.

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