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Posts posted by KarmaTsunami

  1. Originally posted by Ewan U.N.C.L.E.:

    which one are you?

    if you mean me, i'm the shortest barmaid in the world. pierced lip..can't for the life of me remember what i was wearing..longish brown hair..

  2. i'm TOTALLY up for this. deffo'...it'll take me a whole fucking day but ireckon i get the right stuff in that sandwich and i'll be SET.

    is subway offering a prize for this? they should do...

    and vice does rock and incredible amount. i really want to try salvia divinorum..spelling?..but everywhere one-line selling it involves shipping from the states...i have NO TIME for that kind of shenanigans. on another note..buck 65 is in this weeks kerrang...what the fuck????? plus a pointless cover article on fucking guns and roses..nothing we didn't know before..''they had the whole world and blew it''...not exactly an exclusive..but vice rocks so much it feels wrong..like i should at least give the guy behind the counter 50...i'm considering getting a subscription or something...

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