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Mac Atom

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Posts posted by Mac Atom

  1. im sure his self respect went he heard himself sing

    True - did anyone actually see the show? Oh my god, how that guy can still have any sort of credibility is beyond me. It was truly awful - the songs were complete turkeys and his voice is just disgraceful, the boy has zero talent.

    Ian Brown = A joke!

    Fair play to the dudes from aberdeen for being able to cash in on him though ;) They must be laughing all the way to the bank considering that all they have to do is rehash all the tunes that they learned for Fool's Gold :rolleyes:

  2. Len "Atom" Wiltshire gets my vote. He never looks like he's even trying' date=' always super composed, hardly breaks sweat, and is always spot on. Mark of a good drummer, methinks. He's 1/6th the reason that Atom are such a top notch band![/quote']

    :D He'll be uber-chuffed to hear about this, the boy practices more than ANYONE in this town. He is easily the most commited musician I know and he's just going to keep getting better - woop!! :up: Not just drumkit either, he's also a demon percussion player as demonstrated in his recent outing with the mighty Simon Gall band.

    PS He's not a bad songwriter either ;)

  3. Very impressed, the vocals did sound a little weak but it was the opening song of a pretty big gig so I'm guessing that nerves had a lot to do with it. I'm particularly impressed with the drums and bass, very tight and punchy. I also liked the guitar solo, not overly wanky just for the sake of it but it really fit into the tune and it was obviously very well thought out as it worked really well over the bassline.

    Well done !!! :D

  4. Woop, I was wondering when that was going to be announced.

    Lets explain a little though, the gig is what you might call a little out of the way ;) A bus is running but there are only 50 seats - of which we are allowed to allocate 10.

    So, to cut a long story short - who deserves the tickets most? Well, apart from us obviously (but we don't count). Who wants to travel aboot 40 miles on a bus with other like-minded souls for a halloween party with a twist? It promises to be AWESOME!!!

    If you think that you are deserving of one of these tickets then tell us and we'll try and sort something out.

    Tickets are 5, that includes a bus seat, and the bus will return on the same night (leaving at aboot 1:45 in the am).

    Its in Fasque house, which is a HUGE stately home and its supposedly haunted (wooooooooo). Your host for the evening, Nelly T, will be running ghost tours in between bands so you're guaranteed a good scare ;)

    Along with 5 bands and a bar (thats right... A BAR so bring lots of drink money) this is sure to be unmissable. I just wish we could take more people :(

    See you there dudes!!

  5. Thats right ignore my post' date=' like i give a fuck. Why post against me then cease to reply?

    It just shows how ignorant you are and you're only interested in your own opinion.[/quote']

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Why am I not the centre of attention any more? Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Argue with me!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! I'm soooooooo special!!


  6. man has a point

    Hehe, got a bit carried away with the "little brat" theme...

    Seriously though, I've been reading through a lot of the things that rune has posted on these boards and I can't believe how egocentric he is. It makes good reading - do a search for his posts and then sit back and enjoy as he contradicts so many of his own points and delves ever further into self-righteousness :up:

    His ability to hijack a normal thread and turn it into his own propaganda is unparalleled.

  7. Oh and picking up on my grammar is so childish and pathetic' date=' kind of tells me what kind of person you are. Well done you avoided the real point and brought up on your own sad little crusade.[/quote']

    Yep, that's true. Because your real point is what exactly? "I don't like *insert genre/band name* here so I'm going to whine about it like a pissy little child... wah wah waaaaaaaaaah"

    And the kind of person I am is certainly not the kind who would normally lower himself to having an argument with an opinionated, self-obsessed twat in a post which is deserving only of relocation to the Wasteland.

    P.S. You smell :finger:

  8. Since when is standing up for what i believe in bolloks' date=' youre an idiot.

    Just because my scene doesnt comform to your beliefs doesnt make it wrong.

    You ignorant little brat[/quote']

    Where the fuck do you get off? You are so patronising it's not true, its actually hilarious. Almost as funny as your punctuation, not to mention the fact that you make up your own words.... comform?!?! Nice try.

    THAT'S how to be patronising!

    Oh and little brat - ha ha ha! :bat:

  9. Yeah i am part of the underground scene and proud of it.

    You're waaaay too cool - I can't believe how much of an individual you are.

    Get over yourself and stop talking so much utter bollocks. This thread should have been closed a long time ago because, and I know you'll find this hard to believe rune, WE'VE HEARD IT ALL BEFORE!!!! :swearing:

  10. Must admit that I'm not a fan. If it's a cover with a more "party" feel to it' date=' wouldn't your rather do something by the mighty Wolfsbane? :) Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan HUNT!

    Yeah, I know. I'm just a Blaze fanboy. I'll shut up now.[/quote']

    Manhunt Manhunt Manhunt Manhunt Manhunt!

    ah ah ah ah (falsetto) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :up:

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