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Mac Atom

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Posts posted by Mac Atom

  1. Unfortunately Man of the Hour have had to pull out of the gig, this is due to circumstances that they have no control over and they are pretty gutted (as are we) that they can't make it.

    At this precise moment in time we are trying desperately to confirm another awesome band for the slot so bear with us for news regarding that ;)

    Please remember that there are LOADS of tickets still available for this gig and it would be great if those of you planning on coming down could try and get in touch to get your tickets in advance. Not only will it be great to know we have a heap of people coming down but it'll save you a couple of quid too as tickets on the door are going to be a wee bit more.

    Get your tickets from us for only 5 !!! :D

    Yet more news... this time of the awesome variety: The first batch of T-Shirts is here. They're looking kickass and they will be available at the gig or before hand if you get in touch with any of us. Only 8 for any shirt - we have Large/Extra Large black t-shirts with a white logo as well as small girly black t's with a white logo. I do believe there are also a couple of Black vests too :rockon:;) Bear in mind that we can only afford to do small runs at a time and so these shirts will go on a first-come-first-served basis and probably won't take too long to disappear so get in touch to ensure you have one before the gig ;)

    OK, sales pitch over... for now :D

    :help: Please Please Please buy a ticket and/or a t-shirt and support us when we really need you :help: Did that seem a little desperate? :D

  2. I hate the Rock School books' date=' all the grade 8 guitar tunes are just simple songs BUT WAIT WE'RE GOING TO THROW IN A SECTION WITH 16 SCALES JUST SO IT'S THE RIGHT LEVEL.

    But yeah, they are of suitable standard for using in school.[/quote']

    What a load of bullshit mate. The Grade 8 Rockschool pieces are designed to fulfill all of the requirements of the syllabus for 3 instruments (guitar, bass and drumkit) and so they can't be completely full-on all the time for all instruments, but there is no way that they are easy. They are set at Grade 8 because you should be at the perfect level to work towards the songs upon completion of the Grade 6 exam. Obviously, as somebody else mentioned, you could enter the Grade 8 exam thinking it was easy and play all of the songs badly but that won't get you anywhere. I challenge you to play ANY of the grade 8 songs perfectly and make them look simple.

  3. all im saying it would be cool for something different and then even if its just a few songs. maybe like a track from first jt album. maybe a norma jean track? or bleeding through.

    im finished here

    Try staying at home then. I'm sure you're CD player will fulfill all of your needs and wants.

    And it won't call you bignose either.

  4. This thread is a complete fucking joke now. Ascension (due to two of their members... mainly just one if we're honest) are now coming across as complete wanks and I know for a fact that on the most part they are not. Doc, can you not see that this constant replying to your own thread, whether well articualted response or lashing out at a comment you didn't want to hear, is making the whole of this community turn against you? Remember what happened to Jamesy? An awesome guy who just wants to push his band forward but manages to get up a lot of noses and as a result people hate his band without really ever giving them a chance. That's whats happening here, it's too late to stop that, but you can certainly do some damage limitation.

    As for the demo - you don't need me to tell you how shocking it sounds. I can't believe you guys, who obviously care a hell of a lot about what you're doing, would let that out into the public domain. Countless other people have already told you this but for the same money or even less you could have gotten much better results. The performances sound tired, especially from Scorge and Wilkie, who can both perform so it would appear that it was rushed waaaaay to much and as a result Wilkie doesn't sound sure of what he's supposed to be singing.

    So, Doc - stop taking everything to heart, you know the demo is weak so just get on with it and make a better one. Go to tom's again, go to exile, but spend a little more time on fewer tracks. Nobody is impressed that you've done a million tracks badly, why not just pick 3 and do them really well.

    Most of all, stop your internet whinery, it makes your whole band look childish and thats not really fair as half of your band can't represent themselves on here and so shouldn't really be tarred with the same brush.

  5. While browsing through Bizarre I notice a page of photo's from a cabaret/gore party in London and I think to myself "Bugger me, that's Ash from Karloff". And it was, that's totally cool, it's obviously the kind of event that Ash may well enjoy and to see his picture was awesome. But looking at the page a little more closely I noticed something a little more puzzling... could "Magenta" at the bottom of the page really look any more like our resident tub-thumper Len?

    Decide for yourselves...

    PS For your amusement the names have been changed - I'm hilarious


  6. Of course, that would be absolutely awesome. We've got a few really loyal friends who tend to get out and about and flyer etc but a proper street team would be the bomb. We could also do with a few web-heads who post on different metal forums to start spreading the word. We get pretty good coverage on the Iron Maiden trading bb and on the Blaze forum but nowhere else.

    What does everyone else think? Is this a viable idea?

  7. Yeah - "I think" she was an ACE manager... sacked. "I think" that she was a bint, "I think" she talked absolute shite ;)

    Worst of all - A-M was portrayed really fucking badly, the judge was a complete toss-wit and the editing job that they did to try and make it look even worse was a disgrace. But hey, at least Stranded know that they can get 800 for 5 gigs..... HAAAAAAA !!!!!

  8. Says the Black Atom guitarist...

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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