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The Ghost Of Fudge

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Posts posted by The Ghost Of Fudge

  1. our ten finalists, in alphabetical order...

    alyssa's wish - opal

    deadloss superstar - draw the line

    electric tibet - rosebud

    eric euan - i paphoo

    hookers green - love ballad for a robot

    point of origin - bring on the sluts

    sidca - angel wings

    masamune - silver tipped

    my decaying leg - zombies

    the x-certs - into the silence

    there you go then. dunno quite how we're gonna decide the winners though. incidentally, there's no prizes or any shite like that, it's just a bit of fun, alright? no bitching... :)

  2. Originally posted by mexineil

    fair enough. you know you could always just give us a gig and save yourself the bother of listening to our cd. alternatively, we're playing at Drakes with Starfall this wednesday so you could come down and see us yourself.

    Just a thought.

    i'm afraid it's fudgenight in wednesday, so everyone should be at the lemon tree. except the goths.

  3. Originally posted by jon

    A Saturday you say? If you truly are a glutton for punishment, we could do it. It could be the return gig for all those Edinburgh gigs we keep getting you :D

    Also, what amps and stuff will you be able to have at Drakes on the 15th? Just to save us bringing lots of unneccesary guff in the space we don't have... No cabs by any chance?

    Anyhoo, kisses etc


    there's the drakes kit and bass amp (though it can be a bit shit sometimes, it's usually ok). we have 1 amp up here, but we need three. we could potentially get another one up from edinburgh though...

  4. yes, the zine should be out in december at the 50th fudgenight.

    i wanted to do a piece on the top ten fudgenight performances of all time. i think about 175 shows have taken place, so there's plenty to choose from...

    i'd go for electric eel shock, aereogramme at the second awards show, and clocker at FN3 when andy duggan filled the venue triple kirks with so much smoke they couldn't see each other. they tried to battle on, but it was messy...

  5. the hexagonal pensioners are playing. but who else? we want four bands.

    anticipation is the best part: who will reply to this post? the excitment reaches fever pitch...

    it'll be the first night we return to our familliar and much loved Battle Of The Bands concept. That's what it really is in effect of course, but it's only rarely that anymore gets upset in practice. which is suprising considering the egos involved.

    the best band on the night, but the judgement of fudge in the usual shambolic manner, will get to play fudgenight a couple of months later. and by hell they'd better be good when they get there.

    FUDGEFRENZY: ready to chew up more local bands from the convayor-belt of mediocrity, and spit the occasional glistening cherry onto the stage of the world famous circus of depravity, Fudgenight.

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