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Posts posted by Paulscoconutass

  1. it's not that bad - first few times i heard it i couldn't believe what i was being subjected to - but it's a definate grower, but even now i still can't tell if it's brilliant or art wank.

    Best tracks are....


    Easy Target

    Here's Your Letter

    You may also want to check out the super slick enhanced CD part...

  2. V-Amp-2-small.jpg

    V-amp 2


    V-amp 2 pro

    Seriously thinking about getting one of these (probably the pro) to get into this home recording jazz and stuff. Just wandering if anyone else has got one of them and what they think of it. Say's you can also use it live and it's got an impressive range of amp styles and tones that it 're-creates'....

  3. Local 'pretty boy' emo rockers Last Time Perfect have decided to call it a day. Through the course of a year or so we've slowly drifted in different directions and have decided that it's best to go our separate ways. We thank everyone that went to our shows with Norma Jean and co, Lightyear, Union street, drakes and so on......and especially those that turned up to our first 'intimate' gig at drakes all that time ago.

    Cheers for turning up to our gigs, giving us all experience that we can use for you to rock out to in the future when we all return to the stage and start it all over again.


    R.I.P Last Time Perfect

  4. *Tries not to sound like a tit*

    PC --> ????? --> Mic --> Instrument

    What's the ???? bit,where can you get one?? and how much do they cost???

    I'm assuming that ther'd be some sort of jack input or something that can connect the mic with the pc and record straight onto the hard drive via a software, then you can mix all the tracks together to your hearts content.... I want to give home recording a bash before i consider shelling out and probably rushing it in a studio to save money - it'd also be nice to save riffs as you come up with them. I've been searching the net for a while but all i can find is software.

  5. paulscoconutass-Bond.jpg

    The complete bond collection - From Dr No (1st proper bond film) through to the 18th movie Tmorrow never dies, in the - good old huge picture collag thing. Had no problems with any of the videos and they've all been watched once barr the 3 or four good ones that got watched again.

    Selling the whole lot for 50 notes - may sound a bit heafty but that's only 2.77 per video and........ can't really argue with that.

    Pm's or replies people.... Cheers

  6. It's a saturday night i believe, Nice to see smal enclosed area being added to the list . We're totally looking forward to doing this and have got a few goofy stuff planned for our set.... nakedness.... mankiness.... who knows?? Should be a rad gig and i'm expecting drakes to be packed out to the MAX!

    Also been doing the rounds with some shameless promotion in Henry J's and the 'shulu but someone told me you have to get a ticket for it or something??? And can comeone send me the sound check times and what we'll need to bring... Cheers.

  7. Originally posted by serious soundian:

    Of course it's gonna be sore on your ears if you stand next to the speakers.

    Doesn't mean i stayed there

    Guitar balance, especially near the stage, will be altered by the guitarists amp levels. You were standing to one side (unless you're 20 ft wide and could stand next to all the speakers simultaneously), so it's natural to assume one guitar would have been louder, the other amp would have been at least twice as far away from you.

    Doesn't mean i stayed there

    If he moved ALL the sliders up to max (how you spotted this standing next to the speakers?), you'd be back to square one in the mix, just louder and probably with a fair amount of added feedback.

    Doesn't mean i stayed there - and it was clearly an exaggeration - but touch anyway

  8. Originally posted by soundian:

    How do you know the PA wasn't at max and that's the loudest they could get the vocals, in which case it would be a comment on voice projection.

    When MMW played straight after the sound guy mooved all the sliders up to the max, it was sore on my ears standing close to the speakers. The femora set was a lot quieter and the guitar ballance wasn't perfect. (Although i dont know if it was supposed to be - and i'm rabbling on about their first gig at moshulu)

  9. Originally posted by Frosty Jack:

    Big Eddie has 'shaped' lots of furniture in a way etc...

    I knew him pretty well too when I were a nipper, haven't seen him for years though. Is he still as big as he was? I seem to recall he lost a lot of weight, then put it back on again?

    I went to the music centre when it was in what is now the Academy Centre...

    Aye - there was a period of about 2 years when he was cutting down on food and stuff, but then he just kinda let himself go in the worst possible way. However, my favourite moment was when he sent me (in mid-lesson) down to the burger van at school to get him 2 sausage supper (and i swear people - that is nooo joke)

  10. -----------------------------------


    Also going under the hammer is the complete bond collection - From Dr No (1st proper bond film) through to the 18th movie Tmorrow never dies, in the - good old huge picture thing. Had no problems with any of the videos and they've all been watched once barr the 3 or four good ones that got watched again.

    Selling the whole lot for 50 notes - may sound a bit heafty but that's only 2.77 per video..... can't really argue with that.

    Pm's or replies people.... Cheers

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