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Joe Atom

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Posts posted by Joe Atom

  1. Originally posted by Dan Atom:

    Indeed that is true about emo.

    But then again the ONLY vaguely emo album I own is funeral for a friend... who are MASSIVELY inspired by Iron Maiden anyway.

    And European power metal? Guilty.

    Though I don't have too much of that cos a lot of it shite. A little Helloween here, a bit of Nightwish there... but at least it is all inspired from Maiden.

    Infact Maiden were the first power metal band... ;)

    Hang your head in shame... Funeral For a Friend may be slightly inspired by Maiden but... oops... they're shite! All that screaming then poncing about going "look at me, I'm all sensitive!" You'd nae catch Maiden doing that.

    And everyone always says to me, oh you love Iron Maiden, you'll love Helloween / Stratovarius / Gamma Ray / insert another shite power metal band here. And I don't it's all a bunch of pish with overdone vocals and harmonies on everything all the time and an annoying double kick drum going on all the time! It's a lot of pish!

    I think the key here is that there is a difference between doing something well and overdoing something. Iron Maiden fall on the right side of that line, Nightwish, however, definitely fall on the wrong side ;)

  2. Originally posted by Bob Double Jack:

    But we didn't do the slow bit in the middle.

    We can't afford a smoke machine nor a lowering lighting rig.

    We've played the Trooper without a monitor to put your foot on... but it doesn't feel right :D

    Well, I don't care, I still like No Prayer For the Dying. So ner ner nee ner ner.

  3. Originally posted by Dan Atom:

    Jeez, you guys are admitting this stuff?

    we're meant to be a metal band... not a see-who-likes-to-admit-to-being-a-man-bummer band!

    I'm glad my music taste has no blemmishes whatsoever. ;)

    Apart from all that power-metal European shite ;) And the Emo :D Face it, Emo is written BY man-bummers FOR man-bummers.

  4. Originally posted by Len Atom:

    Just because he isn't blaring through a million watts of amplification doesn't make him lame. Some of the most powerful things are said quietly, you know.

    You don't need to tell me this!! You're talking to a dedicated proclaimers fan remember? I just don't like James Taylor, that's all...

  5. Originally posted by Ben Quik:

    haha my age gives me such power over the atom tykes....thye hate it when i say that i got into maiden when i was very young with teh powerslave album...

    *walks out of forum smugly*

    You won't be so smug when I pop yer colostomy bag and you slip in a puddle of yer own wee you old bastard... hang on, you're on my side... you may pass unhindered. :)

  6. Or right feckin' here! There is nothing wrong with No Prayer for the Dying, and I can't understand why everyone hates it so much! Yes, the Assassin is fairly lame... and the production isn't great... but it's got some ace songs! Fates Warning, one of Davey's most underrated moments, and Mother Russia, which would fit in ok some of the earlier 'classic' albums...

    BTW Doc, Back in the Village is ace too... Powerslave doesn't have a duffer on it.

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