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Posts posted by *Amy*

  1. Faith No More and Pound For the Sound are my favourite Capdown songs, r0x0r!

    Plain To See by Shootin Goon is one I will never ever get tired of listening to!

    And Dawn= genius. Kid Dynamite is an awesome Lightyear song, as is Spotcheck, Blindside and Nuff Cuts.


  2. Originally posted by Charlotte:

    The Keane album got pretty decent reviews. I think the singles are great, esp the one that it out at the moment. And they are about 1000 times less annoying than Travis *the band who can base a whole song around a single adjective*.

    What she said... well the second half! Only good Travis moment- the video for Sing.

    I think Keane are pretty poor, really boring and monotonous. Almost bored me to tears when they supported The Thrills. I thought they'd be a band Flash would like though...

  3. Wow, scandal!

    This has turned into a real good read, and very good points being made.

    I totally agree with Heather on this one. Your (Salty, if you're still reading this) parents probably didn't want to tell you truth before they thought you could handle it. I have cousins aged 17 and 14 who are adopted, and things like that, along with death, are just not things you'd want to tell kids about in fear of hurting them. My cousin who's 17 treats my auntie like shit, despite her giving him a great childhood which he wouldn't have had if he was still in a children's home. And I believe the problems he now causes is because he was told when he was about 12/13 that he was adopted.

  4. Hmmm, my mum is quite good lie detector so I'm not very good at it.

    Early last year I almost managed to pull off a big lie saying I was staying at Suzie's house but I went to Moshulu tp party on down with Dirtbox (OMG, UNDER-AGE REBEL!) then kipped at Keesher's. My brother grassed me up...

    I just wish I was as cool as you_nazi full stop

  5. Originally posted by Jonny Lucifer:

    Thank you friends, hog - you're right, I thought STML were brilliant; their bassist looked like Paulscoconut ass!

    Hehe, that was quite uncanny!

    I enjoyed the gig, Femora have improved heaps since the last time I saw them (which was their debut, so that's expected, yes.) But I still got bored at times.

    I'd seen STML before at Drummonds (they thought nobody had, ah ha!) I didn't enjoy them much then, or now, but I like the singer's voice.

    And Radio Lucifer... bloody hell, how was that for a debut gig?! But they obviously have the advantage of experience already and I didn't see much nerves... It was an exciting set to watch, and like Crocker said, plenty of catchiness.

  6. Re: Orwell that ends well.

    Originally posted by preemo:

    If the new spangly Aberdeen music scene was a motor car, well, it just lost a wheel.

    Life Mechanics by Stewart Parker :p

    Last night was indeed amazing, I enjoyed all bands, and Kathryn was great too! It's such a pity it was a goodbye gig, that sucks. But I certainly won't be forgetting this one in a hurry.

    Well done guys!

  7. I'm so glad I didn't stay in to revise last night... that gig was so good!

    I think that's the 4th time I've seen Small Enclosed Area now, and they don't really do anything for me. But a decent performance nonetheless.

    After not seeing Turning 13 since August (I didn't enjoy them much 'first time round') last night was so so so impressive! The vocals alone had my jaw dropping. A real joy to watch, 10/10 :D

    The Gloria Flaw, as always, were great. The stage presence was ace, and it was obvious the crowd were entertained to the max! I am so in love with the new song to, hubba hubba!

    Jetplane Landing put on a great set, but I'm not a big fan...

    Overall, a nice 6 spent!

  8. Drakes is by far the most comfortable and friendly place to be for gigs. It has the friendliest staff and one of the cheapest costs. :p But as has been said, there's not much room to move about and heaps of folk just stand there lifeless. The Lemon Tree is ace for atmosphere as there's so many people there to see the same band. Kef too, and there's almost always lots of movement. But I can't afford Kef often theses days..

  9. I watched Blink 182 vs Green Day today on MTV2 and it totally cheered me up. And that's what I love about Blink, any album can pick me up to a happy mood. I can watch the DVDs over and over without getting sick of them. :D They've made it huge after all their hard work, so they deserve it. Any band does, regardless of how shit or amazing they are. And it's pretty obvious they don't get upset by those who don't like them. They have all they need now (I think I'm gonna buy Travis' house in later life!) The new album is proabably my least favourite, but it's different and shows they're not worried about maturing. So yeah, long live Blink.

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