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Posts posted by Camie

  1. Hignett was a good player, I seem to remember him doing pretty well after he left us. The circumstances of him leaving were a bit wierd though, first of all I remember him saying that he didn't like Alex Miller's training methods (swimming at 6 in the morning or something) and then there was also something wierd going on with him missing his kid and gangsters wanting to break his legs.

    Good bit of business anyway, we got him on a free then sold him a month later for 800k or something. :up:

    But then Miller went and blew 300k of it on Nigel Pepper. :down:

    As for the result yesterday, I can't ever remember being happy about a Rangers victory before, but I was really happy for Kenny Miller. And even then it's only because it's a "GTF" for some of Rangers' knuckle dragging fans.

    In all honesty I felt the same but mainly because if he is going to be upfront for Scotland he will at least have some added confidence now which we really need. All at Shitbrox will be saying that they never doubted Miller now.

  2. *hits The Roof*


    So I wasn't the only one cheering with the announcer?

    Daaaaaviiiid! VILLLLAAAAAAAAAA! Daaaaaaaaaviiiid! VILLLAAAAAAAAAAAA!

    I am really wishing i put more on Holland winning this thing but would've probably jinxed it for myself.

    Greece vs Russia is surely gonna be the most horrible tie of the tournament?

  3. I was going to put a punt on Villa for golden boot on monday but the France/Romania game was on. I forgot and now I'm regretting it.

    Saying that all the weekends winning teams right and won myself twenty quid.

    Always loved Holland so would want them to win but would great to see Spain win it also. As long as France get raped then I'm alright.

  4. I agree, he doesn't seem too much like a cocky prick and is a fantastic player. Ashley Cole on the other hand....

    Ever seen what happens when Chelsea don't get a decision their way? John Terry leads nearly the whole team towards the ref and starts to hound him. Totally unprofessional and irresponsible.

    Also the "White Power" rumour as well is more than enough to hate the BNP loving prick.

  5. If a Dons fan there should be no problem whatsoever supporting Qots. R*****s should be hated at all costs. Don't wanna turn this into Aberdeen Mad but it really would make my year if the Huns got beat.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate Rangers to the core, but I also won't be happy to support a team that cost us not only our final but Europe as well. To simplify it all, i'm still bitter!

  6. I can't decide who i want to win tonight. The thought of Lee Trundle getting a shot at the Premiership is hilarious.

    What are you talking about? The game is on Saturday...

    I would rather watch the play off final than the Scottish Cup to be honest. Not only would it be a much better game but I just can't bring myself to support QoS.

    Anyway the Leeds/ Doncaster final is more important, considering Doncaster were on the brink of collapsing 10 years back, would be great to see them fight in the championship.

  7. Snickers sounds crappy, and too American...Marathon was better.

    (I liked Creamola foam....please don't batter me)

    Don't suppose anybody remembers tonibell miniballs.....apparently there was a version which was ice cream with a ball of gum in it, but the kind I recall was a liittle plastic football full of ice cream, with a screw off lid. Handy for playground kick abouts, until some Rougvie-esque type flattened it.

    Cremola foam is something I want to taste again before I die.

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