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Posts posted by Camie

  1. yeah i hate the fact they decided to show one of the best football games ive seen in years on the bbc, id have much rather watched another re-run of river city.

    You've missed my point. I'm annoyed by the fact that they aren't bothered about it being one of the best games of the year, more bothered about what Beckham will do.

  2. The BBC3 coverage of the Milan derby is gash. The sound is a good three or four seconds ahead of the pictures, so you're turning round in time to watch what's just been described. Poor show.

    I hate how the BBC have decided to show this just because of friggin' Beckham. Thats all their site talks about is David Beckham and how he wants to stay in Italy.

  3. Nothing wrong with getting John Fleck involved if he maintains his promising form up until the Holland game - I'm a firm believer in in-form players being picked for the squad so if he's in-form...

    In-form? How many games has he been in-form for? I'd rather wait a bit than risk taking on a 17 year old who's only played about 5 first team starts.

  4. You're very funny.

    To be fair, Friends is actually the perfect sitcom and anyone who can't see that is being foolish.

    What about the fact they ripped off Seinfeld?!

    Really want to get the box set though, as well as The Wire as I've heard it's ace.

  5. When was he a fan favourite before? I've hated the fucker since he signed for Rangers. I don't put my club rivalries aside for Scotland games, Barry Ferguson for example, is a minky little cunt regardless of what colour of shirt he's wearing.

    I don't care what club he plays for, the guy does the job for Scotland. Our problem is having a good finisher in the team imo.

    Boyd is better than Iwulemo(sp?), Miller and whoever else they put up front so I think this is balls.

  6. does anyone else watch it and WANT maeby and george michael to get together?

    whenever i speak to people about that incestuous relationship they seem to agree with me that they should get it on. weird...

    They aren't cousins though. Maeby gets hotter through the seasons. Seems really wrong.

  7. It's little wonder we play pish when even the players don't know what position they're supposed to be playing in. Here's an idea JC, train your players to excel in one position, instead of being shite in 4 positions (a la Ricky Foster).

    Will somebody please tell Tango that a right back and a right midfielder are not the same thing. Ditto a centre midfielder and a centre back. Ditto a striker and a left winger. Ah, you get the picture.

    Don't know if you were listening to the game or not but Foster was one of the better players in the game at right mid.

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