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Foreskin Ninja

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Posts posted by Foreskin Ninja

  1. So you actually intended this to be taken as

    "Maybe one day you'll realise that nobody is in agreement with you for a reason' date=' that reason being that you speak some of the most [i']unsuccessful high and mightly bullshit anyone is likely to come across."

    Really truly?

    Anyway, it's beside the point. If you don't like his music or what he posts, by all means tell him, but don't worry about it. He doesn't. It doesn't have to be a big deal.

    Really truly. Like you said, I told him my opinion, and his response was that I had a "stunted taste in music". That's fucking stupid.

  2. I do not have a "skewed view on reality". infact it is you and other braindead peons on this site which suffer from a disease ridden state of mind and a stunted' date=' crippled appreciation of art.

    I don't give a shit about your opinion of my music or what I post on here, because none of it is aimed at simpletons like you - frankly, it gives me pleasure to know that people such as yourself dont "get it". :music:[/quote']

    That doesn't mean shit though, it's as easy for me to say the exact same thing about the music that you find unappealing.

    And knowing that I find that track of yours boring hardly gives you the knowledge of exactly what art I appreciate. I love alot of metal, just like I love alot of classical music, and alot of many things, it's called variety.

    Does that make either of us superior? No. It just makes you an idiot for thinking so. You and your skewed view on reality.

  3. Nah' date=' it means he doesn't understand the language. Improsperous means "not prosperous" and is an entirely inappropriate choice of word, in the context he used it in.

    But then again, maybe it is too much to expect a kid with the name "foreskin ninja" and "my anus is bleeding" on his avatar, to have any sort of intelligence.

    Run along now, kiddywink, and listen to some metal, theres a good chap now.,[/quote']

    If something is prosperous, it is successful. Improsperous is the opposite of that. I find that many of your posts are unsuccessful in proving any kind of valid point. You produce more and more shite as time goes by, and with your skewed view on reality, I really couldn't care about whatever you vomit on about.

    I gave you an honest opinion on the music that you asked for opinions about, and you come back with some shit about choruses. I hope I enjoy your next song to a higher degree.

  4. "it's repetative" "doing this kind of stuff is piss easy" "it doesn't go anywhere" etc' date=' this is the kind of shit people who have stunted taste in music and no understanding of the production techniques come out with all the time.


    Maybe one day you'll realise that nobody is in agreement with you for a reason, that reason being that you speak some of the most improsperous high and mightly bullshit anyone is likely to come across.

  5. What is the point in writing a cock-rock album?

    It is entirely on a par with someone like me sitting down and writing 60 minutes of trance. it's meaningless sonic onanism' date=' and it's the kind of shit they sell in asda.[/quote']

    The first step is admitting defeat. The next step is a hangman's noose.


  6. It's an alright song. It is repetative, but, I don't think that takes away from the track. For a one or two-time listen it's alright, but I can't help but feel that it doesn't do anything, and certainly has little repeat-value.

  7. adolecents

    How do you expect to be taken seriously if you can't even spell correctly? :p

    So' date=' it's a crime to think what you've done is good? And it's a crime to think what other people have done is good too? Of Course it is! :girl:

    You talk shit about whatever you can, but all you see to judge is the message board side of it, because that's as far as you let yourself go. That's fine, but it's a small part of what the band are.

    If you actually decided to find out some information about what you were faggoting on about, you might find out that while here on the message board, you may have a point, generally it may be the same few faces, of which the majority [i']may be adolecents. However, on Friday night the band played to a crowd of well over a hundred people, and those people were of all ages. They put on a great show, the crowd loved the time that they spent there, and the band had an awesome time too.

    You're eloquent Stripey, i'll give you that, but you make arguments for no reason, and without full knowledge of what you're talking about. The band enjoy making music, the fans enjoy listening to it. Why not just fuck off and spend your time doing something real, important, and beneficial, unlike those you love to judge?

  8. I thought i'd listen to it for a day before giving judgement, first impressions arn't always lasting. The Intro is awesome, vocals sounds good, although at the last vocal segment before it gets loud, between the line that ends "price i've payed" and the line that starts "if I can make", it sort of sounds like they two lines are a bit too close together, the vocals overlap for a second, maybe that's intended, it just stood out to me. Riff upto 1:26 is 8). Then when it gets fast and the vocals come in too, it's great. Chorus kicks ass. It's after that that the changing time structures really seem to kick in. The section that starts at 3:42 is just fucking ace, really, solo's galore and they all sound ace, hooked throughout untill 4:24, then OH MY, i've grown to like it alot, but the change there seemed very odd at the beginning. I'm not used to this complexity in my metal! After that part some great guitar work, then we hit the chorus till the end.

    It wasn't as instantly anthemic at many of your songs, it just took a bit of listening to get used to everything that was happening there, but once it all jelled it was awesome.

    I've been psyched for a long time about the album, and this has certainly kept me psyched. It's different, but it's fucking cool.

  9. As i stated before ive not walked out of any shop just because they play shit......

    Maybe that's where you're going wrong' date=' I think that'd be the perfect way to start your [i']Extreme Metal Revolution (EMR), you could boycot every place that doesn't have the common sense to support you and your EMR, by playing music that you feel they should be, due to fairness.

    Sure, the majority of stores wouldn't feel that affected at first, but you give it 8, 9 or 25 years, those inconsiderate bastards are going to be hit hard, and I don't mean hit hard like a punch in the face, i'm talking on par with the shot that took out Bambi's mother that cold winter.

    For the good of the EMR, never enter another store that happens to be playing "shit".

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