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Posts posted by Alkaline

  1. I gave the new 'un a listen. Quite a mixed bag.


    First three tracks are HUGE.

    Spanish Days is the best pop song they've ever written.

    Modern Drugs might be the worst song they've ever done.

    Nowheresville is totally Twisted By Design.

    No Apologies sounds like Fall Out Boy.


    It might need another listen.

    First three are belters. Modern Drugs was an awkward first listen and it's my least favourite on the album but it's grown on me a little. I like Black Maps and its decadent Metallica-esque intro/outro. Nowheresville is great, I quite like No Apologies as well.

    I'd 8/10 it.

  2. Man, I haven't heard a Strung Out record since American Paradox. With each record, they seem to up the cheese-metal just a little bit. I think American Paradox was as far as I could go.


    I'll give the new 'un a spin, and dive right into the deep end of cheese.


    This is still my favourite song of theirs. THAT solo.

    Aye, wasn't so keen on the last one but this one owes more to Twisted by Design and American Paradox than the more recent ones.

    Exhumation of Virginia Madison is definitely my favourite song of theirs.

  3. Zing!


    There's plenty of room behind my chair, the thing missing is a collective failure of spacial awareness anytime someone goes past.

    And in half the cases, an apology (no matter how insincere/half hearted)....

    Aye, I'm just messing, there's nowt wrong with having the hope that people might be polite enough to apologise if they bump into you.

  4. Does anyone watch Episodes?

    Yes, hilarious in a dry wit way. Stephen Mangan and Matt Le Blanc are brilliant even if Matt is effectively playing an older fatter version of Joey.

    I also have a thing for Carol.

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