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Michael MacLennan

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Posts posted by Michael MacLennan

  1. Your argument is fairly simple. It's also bullshit. What are the chances of getting cancer if you completely discount smoke from the equation? If you can tell me that' date=' then a 20% increase in the risk starts to mean something. However, it may mean your chance of getting cancer increases from 1% to 1.2%. You can use statistics to prove anything (especially when you don't have a basis for comparison).

    Oh yeah, if you can qualify "the right to breathe clean air outweights other people's right to smoke" then I'd like to hear it. As I said before, the "right" argument is bullshit from both sides.[/quote']

    The problem with this whole debate (and the myriad other arguments about the ban previously posted on this site) is that those who want to keep things as they are seem to be absolutely terrible as providing a decent argument.

    I'm sure there's people out there who can provide such an argument, but right now TV Tanned is quite easily winning this debate.

    Resorting to saying 'statistics can prove anything' or that people are being 'selective' shows a misunderstanding of the basic precepts of science, that there is no complete certainty. But a body of evidence can be amassed to show such probability that we can assume knowledge, and thus act on it. To not do so would be like not walking outside in case gravity reverses and I get sucked into outer space.

  2. Perhaps one of the most surreal moments, from a Halloween Party I went to in Edinburgh on Sat, was going on to a residential street at about 3 in the morning and playing baseball, all while in Halloween costume.

    As I stepped to bat, lo and behold if it wasn't Jason from Friday the 13th playing catcher. God knows what the public passing by were thinking...



    So what does everyone think was the best death then in the last episode?

    I thought Clare's was the most touching, surrounded by all her photos (plus the old woman make-up looked better than it did for some of the others), but I thought Brenda's just shaded it, finally giving up the ghost after a lifetime of Billy rabbiting on. Though having to hear Brenda moan would personally have finished me off long before that.

    Apparently Alan Ball might be developing a new show for HBO about, um, vampires, which should at least be interesting...

    Click here

  4. I can honestly remember never reading derogatory comments made about bands as you can flick through and see now and to be honest it makes me not want to take part in the board at all. I met a heap of folk through the AUBL (between about 99 to 2004) who I would gladly talk to now but some of the people on here just make themselves look like stirrers not folks who want to be involved in the music scene.

    I remember that before the first gig of my band Subsist in '99 there was a survey asking if people liked us or not, such was the ferocity of insults aimed at us on the messageboard by an errant member of Seven Stone Under. I actually think, if anything, things seem more civilised nowadays, mainly as people aren't posting anonymously in the way that was commonplace with the AUBL board.

    Oh, and in relation to G's comment, I'm in agreement. There's little point of trying to get publicity for a sampler if the recording quality makes it a poor representation of the bands involved. It'll just make everybody involved seem amateurish, I'm afraid to say, and decreases the likelihood of anyone repeatedly listening to it.

  5. Six Feet Under has been possibly my favourite show of the past few years, and the one time of the week when I make sure to have complete tranquility to watch the show, and try and reach a state of zen.

    I was exactly the same, and then afterwards, it was complete shock. I'm still hoping it's an alternative reality, but I doubt that's the case (given what's happened in previous series, though I won't explicate for fear of ruining anyone else's knowledge of forthcoming events).

    As for this thread, I'm just glad there was nothing else revealed about the next episodes, knowledge of future events would surely reach my zen-like calm during the shows.

    PS MINOR SPOILER (well, is there such a thing?) To be honest, I was thinking either the hairdresser or Mrs Fischer was going to get picked off by that cougar, actually, that was quite a shock at the start of the show...

  6. i do question the value of programs like this' date=' and I wonder why people like watching tragic things happening to other people, for entertainment purposes. Sorry, but I don't wanna see this kind of crap on tv just so people can say "aw wasn't that sad, at least he had a sense of humour!".

    Channel 4 has really gone downhill lately, I don't watch it anymore.[/quote']

    Totally, those bastards' standards have plummeted since the glory days of The Word, Eurotrash and The Girlie Show. Where has society's morals gone?

  7. Look popcorn' date=' we both don't know the context therefore my assumptions are just as valid as yours. [/quote']

    I didn't making assumptions, I gave a list of alternatives to yours to show that you have no idea of the context, so to therefore infer 'they deserved it' is a moronic thing to do, because you have no idea of the background, for which there is an almost infinite list of possible scenarios.

    This post clearly proves that you're clearly too stupid to even grasp the most basic of arguments, given that everybody else seems to get the point apart from you.

  8. Neither do you - so what makes your assumption more correct than mine?

    Are you unintentionally being moronic' date=' or are you just trying to wind me up? Because if it's the former, Jesus, that's my whole point. You don't have a clue about the context of the situation, yet you make a variety of baseless assumptions. (If it's the latter, you're doing a damned fine job.)

    Even if the kid was just wanting to touch it, it's not his place to do that and deserved the beating. you've never laughted at any "you've been framed" video?.

    What, somebody touches a guitar, so they deserve a beating? That's completely disproportionate to the point of laughability. At least as proportionate as chopping off your fingers for having the gall to type out such garbage.

    And yes, I've laughed at You've Been Framed once or twice, but I've yet to see any clips in the 'Wacky Toddlers' section where a child takes a crowbar to the grandmother who ate a piece of her birthday cake.

    Now' date=' what exactly is your beef?


    Your arguments suck so much that I'm surprised your actually allowed to use a computer. That's about it.

  9. ok ' date=' your favourite guitar that you savec for years to buy, cost you a pretty penny and is the guitar whose sound you simply cannot replicate... aye on you go, you dish out the freebies.

    Next time you play a gig remind me to be there so I have help myself to your stuff without consequence.[/quote']

    You have absolutely no idea of the context of the situation, you complete pleb. To assume make an ass out of u and me.

    Actually, no, just you.

    For all you know, the guitarist could have just before the clip starts said: "hey kids, see who can grab the guitar first!" Or those people could have realised that guitar was stolen from them at a gig a few months ago. Or... so please don't give your own interpretation which relies on the guitar having been crafted in the fiery furnace of Mount Doom, and having magical powers for the owner that, if wrested away, will make him wither and die like Mel Gibson in Forever Young.

  10. They were silly and got what they deserved... ok maybe a bit OTT but they would have been drunk and angry & fired up cos of the gig!

    Totally man, sometimes after a gig, I see people passing outside my flat, obviously wanting some freebies, so I rip out their throats and eat their testicles. You know, if might be a bit OTT, but I'm so fired up that obviously you can't blame me.

  11. To be fair you have to be quite stupid to decide to buy a kitchen because a company phoned you when you can go to a company that you actually trust and recognise instead.

    You don't have to be stupid, just a confused and vulnerable old person who doesn't realise they're being taken advantage of. Personally, I'd refuse to ever work in such a company, which is a shame considering all the great times I must have missed out on...

  12. I was in Stuart's philosophy year at Aberdeen uni. I remember him saying in the final year that he was going to try and give magic a go full-time, which I always thought was very admirable, and much better than my ultra-predictable/boring 'I don't know what I'm going to do once I leave' reply.

  13. *poor man's Zombie Munch*

    It was an 'affectionate tribute'. Besides, if I wasn't so moronic that I couldn't get the picture to show on the post, I GUARANTEE you would have laughed until your spleen somehow popped out of your nose, given those HILARIOUS posts that you... oh, you deleted them for some reason. How odd.

  14. another episode in the catalogue of bright sparks who place their intentions of illegality into the public domain...

    Yeah, because I'm sure the elite Megabus police squad scan the pages of aberdeen-music.com on a daily basis to catch out the fraudsters intending to do them out of a pound.

    Next time anybody see Grisen he'll be running away hurriedly from an annoyed-looking, leather-faced Tommy Lee Jones, cursing the day he was taught how to use computers as he decides whether it's really a good idea to leap off that dam.

  15. for the record: never take me seriously.

    some people just don't get irony/sarcasm.

    especially that subsisty character' date=' revelling in his own self-importance like a sleazy bigwig.

    how will dedalus continue now that steven is going anyway?[/quote']

    I'll give you self-importance, in a big vat, and pour it over your head. Nobody will ever take you seriously after I've finished, you smarmy wannabe Albanian goatherder.

    Can you hear that? It's the bells of justice, and they're going to take their toll on you! HA!

  16. I thought it was an amazing film, possibly the best movie I've seen this year. Fortunately the 'critiques' on this thread are so poor that I don't feel compelled to launch some angry defence. If you wanted more violence, go and see Ong-Bak.

    PS That isn't to suggest that I don't love Ong-Bak

    PPS Please God, if you're going to use a word such as 'vacuous', look it up in a dictionary first, so you don't sound like a dolt.

  17. i heard steven dedalus was heading the way of stephen dedalus from 'a portrait of the artist as a young man' by james joyce...

    a disgusting drunk who continually visits prostitutes' date=' whilst having severe religion-induced guilt over his sins but not being able to do a damned thing about it.[/quote']

    You're a disgusting drunk who continually visits prostitutes. Go back to hoboland, the fat cats have no place for you here.

  18. That's one of' date=' if not the, best songs Nirvana ever wrote IMO. Why it wasn'tr on any albums I'll never understand.[/quote']

    Yeah, it was always my favourite for ages, possibly still is. If it's the version I think it is, then that's also my favourite version.

    Apparently he didn't think it fitted into Nevermind, and then had the same reaction with the Steve Albini recording and In Utero. It is ace though.

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