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Michael MacLennan

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Posts posted by Michael MacLennan

  1. Saw them supporting the Locust, have to say I liked them but didn't love them. The frontman made things interesting. I also liked the guitar, but at risk of offending people by mentioning a genre everyone has to hate now, I thought a lot of the riffs were quite nu-metally, lots of two-note riffs, but I quite like the bludgeoning simplicity of that now and then. As I said, enjoyed them, but not enough to buy a CD, got an EP instead of opening band Year Future, only caught the end of them at the Locust, but liked the cut of their jib.

  2. Ugh' date=' I hate myspace. I'm trying to like it, but stupid ignorant motherfuckers posting for a favourable reaction, and sluts pming me for sex... I don't need another site like this one in my life...:)

    Anyway, I added you; you appear in my top 8 or whatever. A very dignified position, although you're now associated with me, and that's a curse no one needs.[/quote']

    Hey, 'eat your parents' (if that is your real name), I've noticed you've got a personal page on myspace, if you're getting hassled by spam and stuff you should sign up for an artists page, it'll stop all the lechers just after your hot body.

    PS Just because I'm pming you for sex, it doesn't mean I'm a slut, by the way. It means I'm empowered. Deal with it. You big hunk, you.

  3. exactly' date='

    I think 10 year olds should be forced into a 2 day drinking, snorting, injecting and smoking binge (think of the outcry), but I am sure we'd have a generation of straigh edgers...

    ho ho

    ...and, thinking about it...

    it'd kill the weaklings, and we'd have a fine race of straight edge, olympic winning athletes, as, that's the only reason to live on this earth..eh...isn't it ?....[/quote']

    Exactly, we should also have a resident in-school heroin addict, to display the shocking effects of drugs. Remember, there's no drugs without u, it'd just be drgs, and who'd want to take that?

  4. You would be correct in your assumption. God-awful name and music that sounds like they've gone into a studio with the intent of coming out sounding like an amalgamation of Franz Ferdinand and Bloc Party.

    This would make more sense if it wasn't utter bollocks. Nice try at sounding knowledgable though, you should have added comparisons to Coldplay or James Blunt in there for extra resonance.

  5. Well' date=' you can all look forward to Elton getting married to that grinning buffoon boyfriend of his this month.[/quote']

    No I can't, because (a) it isn't a marriage, technically, and (b) my freaking invitation still hasn't arrived.

    Still, it's a step forward, and hopefully before long there will be marriages and complete equality, I still find it hilarious that some groups still claim equality would make marriage less attractive to heterosexual couples. "I can't get married to you Jimmy, it's what the gays do!"

  6. aye its bloody hard to get away for you mind' date=' jesus i cant believe your 41 next month betamax you look good for your age, at least 38.

    i'm very disappointed i havent heard the vidoes on 6 music, with the amount of shit you spout on these messageboards burnhams band is going places. hell i've not even seen you listed for some third rate crap arse gig in london. but hey there's nothing worse than an old looking band of course sharon has brought the average age down but as a band you still look far too old.[/quote']

    Err, so does that mean you prefer recording or performing then? Or bitching about former bandmates...

    Personally, I think I prefer recording, because technology allows such a scope nowadays for doing what you want without the conventions of a band. Having said that, I miss performing terribly after close to two years without playing (in a band, that is), and I can't wait to get the band version of Popcorn Fiend together. And I also did really enjoy those Gavfest gigs, so I guess both have their pros and cons. So much for giving an answer.

  7. Your constant and embarassing need to make yourself appear as different as possible from everyone on these boards' date=' you're like a 13 year old Goth with better vocabulary.[/quote']

    Beautifully put.

    I'd also like to say that myspace is a den for the hollow' date=' and that I feel completely cheapened even for contemplating the idea of joining, let alone setting up a page.[/quote']

    Oh Al, Al Al Al. I get what you're saying, but it's also a nice little advertisement for bands, that allows you to hear a bit of what they're about, and find out if you'd want to hear more. Like any resource, I think it can be used for more nefarious purposes, but it can be groovy now and then.

    Yesterday some 15-year-old from California sent me a message saying my music was 'cool', which I just thought was ace, and made me feel all fluffy inside.

    It's like owning a guitar in a way, you can use it to play beautiful music, or you can beat a small mammal to death with it. The choice is simple.

  8. that is very true.

    I think she's one of those who can act, but just plays an extremely annoying character of the type Neighbours has often specialised in, such as Julie Robinson.

    I haven't seen it in months, but from what I remember Dev from Coronation Street was dreadful, especially the emotive 'grimacing' (looked like he was receiving an anal probe) he did to indicate psychological agony when being hounded by the psychotic ex-lover.

  9. I love the snow, it's great, the only problem is when you have a car and have to drive in it. Other than that it's lovely, you put on loads of really snug clothes, everything looks pretty covered in snow, and it feels great when you get into your home and it's all lovely and warm. I might even buy a hot water bottle!

    Fortunately I have no hardman reputation for that previous sentence to wreck.

  10. Yeah' date=' lying right back with legs on floor.

    Funnily enough I was gaining weight when I started going to the gym...it wasn't until I stopped going after I lost my job and starved for a year that I lost some weight which went right back on the second I could afford to eat again...:down:[/quote']

    I think it's relatively normal to put on some weight initially, as muscle weighs more than fat. Though that's maybe what friends said to avoid telling me that I was becoming a tubby whale.

    What's a relatively normal weight to be bench pressing then?

  11. If anyone's interested I'm going to be selling my cherry red Schecter A1+ 7-string, great review back in the day from Guitarist magazine, which convinced me to travel to Sound Control in Dundee and buy it, used in my days with former Aberdeen supergroup Subsist... I'll get some pictures of it soon if anyone is interested.

  12. Dont listen to him' date=' he only wants to lure you into his potting shed..... :nono:[/quote']

    That's not what you said the last time you came there to give me back-up support, and grabbed hold of my big tool while admiring the wood on display... what am I doing, at least the cheap plug had a purpose. Goddam...

    By the way, though some bands I dig, or am looking forward to seeing, such as Colon Open Bracket and Hookers Green, have already been mentioned, the utter magnificence of Electric Tibet and its fearsome leader Sandy Galloway have yet to be mentioned, quite possibly my favourite band when I used to live in Aberdeen. Sandy's got a myspace page as Khar Leong, have a listen there.

  13. louis is rubbish' date=' he can't pick songs to save his life. both nicholas and shayne should be doing stuff like justin timberlake songs every week but still he picks obvious shite like i believe i can fly. and he's so annoying, constantly interrupting and badgering the other judges during their speeches. simon might be rude but 90% of the time he's right, louis just fucking annoying.[/quote']

    I think that's been the case for a while now, Simon Cowell gives an honest opinion, and is a lot more constructive than he used to be, whereas Louis Walsh is like some sort of horrible, overgrown toddler.

    I sometimes have to endure this because the girlfriend wants to watch it. I am gobsmacked Chico is still in it. The fact it's all rigged and a total farce became apparent the other week when Cowell voted to keep Chico in when he had detested him up till then. I think he was obviously told to do it.

    I didn't see that show apart from the results part, and that Irish guy doing Johnny B Goode was one of the most bizarre sights I've seen in a long time, an absolutely appalling choice for a song. I think Cowell would love to have voted Chico out, if Walsh hadn't sabotaged his own act so successfully by trying to create a freakish Fly-like fusion of Connor from Neighbours and Daniel O'Donnell...

  14. I bought it in Avalanche, hurray! Unfortunately, I've been too lazy to put it onto my computer (and thus my Ipod) yet, so I haven't listened to it, boo!

    I have the two-track CD with the single on from AGES ago though, and that's ace, so I'll assume it hasn't got any worse in the intervening years...

  15. Three quick points:

    First of all, 'the police' do not back this anymore than 'Britain' backed Blair in going to war. A representative body for chief police officers may agree with Blair, but that's no indication about how those on the front-line actually think, any more than asking the chief executives of McDonalds would determine how those at the till feel about their wages.

    Secondly, I think it's a lot easier for people such as myself, and probably everybody else, to talk about someone being kept for up to 90 days because it's not actually going to happen to any of us, thanks to our cultural background. I doubt we'd be quite so blase about the possibility of this happening if we feared if might happen to us or our relatives.

    Thirdly, without the 90 days, do you really think a potential bomber 'only' kept for 28 days will suddenly be let free to roam the streets? Of course not, if there's still suspicions he'll be closely monitored for suspicious activity, and the likelihood he'll do anything in those extra 62 days is non-existent.

    A lot of this rests of the type of scaremongering that permeated the case for war, resting on negative 'What if we DON'T do anything type arguments', with extremes of what could happen, implying the guilt of those who don't agree. I find such moral rhetoric quite icky.

  16. I've already played an xbox360 at a demonstration in Glasgow on Saturday. It was groovy... King Kong scared the hell out of me though, but Kameo was sweet, and Need for Speed and Gotham Racing sure looked purdy. So did Dead or Alive 4, though the android-looking Tiger Woods scared me, almost realistic, but those eyes, those dead eyes... plus I was rubbish at the game.

    That said, I still haven't even played Half-life 2, which I got last Christmas for my PC, so I doubt it's a necessity to get myself a new console, at least until I start playing games more than once a year...

  17. Hmm, my worst incident (out of myriad embarassing cock-ups) came at a Fudge/Lithium Records night at O'Donoghues, probably around 2001 or so back in the good old Subsist days.

    To qualify the night, let me first say at the time I used a 7-string guitar, which was completely integral to all the songs, plus a huge effects pedal, which was also pretty important.

    We arrived about 6 for soundcheck, but due to the organisation, we were the last band, apparently 'headlining'. What this actually meant is that we were supposed to be on around 12 or something, but due to the vast amount of bands playing, the night started overrunning horribly.

    It got to 1.30, and Kelebeck Butterfly were still just finishing their set, as a bleary-eyed Subsist looked on with a mixture of rage, exhaustion and bewilderment. The audience had left apart from Kelebeck supporters, and a few friends, leaving about 10 people there. Still, Kelebeck finished, time to get this party started!

    It was as I rushed onto the stage I realised I'd forgotten the lead for my effects pedal. My face reddening, I started asking someone, anyone, if they had a replacement.

    It was not to be, but the Kelebeck guitarist kindly let me use his effects pedal, which would do. So we get started about 1.45, going straight into our 'hit' song (in that it was once on a Fudge CD) 'Watching me Now'.

    We were reborn! Leaping around the stage, taking out our frustration, it felt superb, and as we went into the mid-section, I leaped into the air to kick off the thunderous riff...

    ...only to see the lead completely bugger the guitar socket as the instrument thudded back onto the ground, disconnecting any sound and finishing off Subsist's set after half-a-song. We'd been waiting around seven hours to play.

    Drummer Arron looked bemused, bassist Ollie threw the bass to the ground and stormed off, and, due to the fact that we'd play such a short time, Kelebeck still managed to win the 'audience' vote and take away a bottle of champagne, thanks to the four people they knew who were still left in the venue.

    Classy times.

  18. I was trying to ignore this thread' date=' but basically this statement has really pissed me off because it is so sickeningly inhuman that it almost defies comprehension.

    Tv-tanned, I would like to hear your definition of what constitutes the "fundamental rights" of human beings and those things that can be considered less-than-important rights which could be easily forgone. A list would be nice, if only for the entertainment value.[/quote']

    There is absolutely nothing inhuman about this at all, this sounds more like a personal attack than anything else. And there is certainly nothing sickening about it.

    Why should he define what constitutes a fundamental right? He's not the one arguing for their existence. Rights have to be positively asserted.

    And if he was to deny their existence he'd be maintaining a stance held by many perfectly human philosphers and other sane individuals. Whether or not he is right, it is still a reasonable position to adopt.

    The idiots are winning indeed. Or in this case, simply combing threads to find something to nitpick on and be 'controversial', as if being contradictory to a popular opinion infers superior intelligence. Very admirable.

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