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Posts posted by RossP

  1. Hmmm, his hold up play and presence in the box/air in general is unparalleled in the SPL. You lot just have the blinkers on 'cause he's a Dirty Hun.

    I think you'd struggle to find anyone in Scotland with that opinion! He really is that terrible.

  2. As much as you lot hate him for the shocking tackle, Lafferty is a solid target man and leagues ahead of Miller.Jon Daly when he's fit is as good as, if not better, than Miller. Kevin Kyle as well, is a very solid target man

    I wouldn't even class Lafferty as a footballer!

  3. Let me rephrase that - who is a better target man in the SPL in games that haven't just involved ICT? For some reason, Nish only seems to turn up against them.

    I always stuck 5 on him to be first goalscorer in games v. ICT. He seemed to turn into Luca Toni for those games...

    I actually think he is an effective target man. As is Kevin Kyle, John Daly and John Sutton... plus that boy Motherwell have got that is on loan from Everton.

  4. Take A Worm For A Walk Week did their record at Chem 19 - it's certainly worth looking into, at least!

    I'd also recommend Chem 19 Craig. I think I told you to listen to Take A Worm for a Walk Week a while ago; check out their stuff again as the sound is pretty epic. Not sure where Desalvo did there's but that is also incredible...

  5. Looks like i'm going to get some time alone with the Scottish Cup on saturday, as my new girlfriend is in charge of keeping it safe before a public display later in the day. I'll no doubt do the stereotypical fan shot with my ICT top on, but if i'm given a wee bit of privacy I may have to make sure the cup has a bit of an after-taste for when the likes of David Weir kisses it in May... ;)

  6. Defender Calum Woods, who should have been serving a ban, appeared as a second half substitute with Dunfermline leading 4-0.

    Dunfermline made further administrative errors, including submitting an inaccurate team line, altering a named substitute and not registering two outfield under-21 players.

    What a shambles.

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