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Posts posted by RossP

  1. I'd agree with that. gtis Byrjun was a fantastic album' date=' [i']() was slightly poorer, and Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do was very disappointing indeed. I haven't heard Von yet, so I'm unable to comment on it. I can't really decide just why they've been getting progressively poorer with each release, but it seems to be a pattern they're following now, and it is a real shame. Perhaps they'll improve, perhaps not.

    Von was very average indeed, there is perhaps 2 songs i'm into on that cd. Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do was also pretty poor, but i still think ( ) is an excellent album. It has a fantastic flow to it, something that gtis Byrjun lacks. As the band themselves state, in ( ) there is a big gap of silence, this is to separate the quite first half of the album, from the loud 2nd half. Each song flows nicely into one another. On gtis Byrjun, each song fits quite awkwardly next to its predecessor, which in some cases can be a good thing, but with Sigur Ros the flow works better. They are a band that you can drift off to, and that is why ( ) works better in my eyes (and ears).

    Note: gtis Byrjun is still a phenomenal album, i just feel that ( ) is not a step backward and am defending its corner

  2. anyone think it started to go wrong from the ( ) album.. onwards.... anyone...? *puts hand up*


    Nah i think ( ) is a brilliant album, track 1, 3 and the last track are possibly the best songs they have ever written

  3. Killie 0 - Caley 1. Think that has put us completely safe from relegation, top 6 looks a mile off, but we'll see what happens tomorrow against Motherwell. Being in Elgin for the week also means that i can make the game, hazza!

    Elgin are still within touching distance of 3rd spot. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell they'll get it, but it would be bragging rights against maxi if it happened

  4. I'll be there, but they will have to be outstanding to top the german post rock bands i've seen in the last few days. And i cant find a single david hasslehoff cd here, gutted.

    P.S Maxi- "Joy" is now my favourite word ever, i will explain why on sunday. Could be the most significant chance meeting i have ever had. oh the intrigue...........

  5. i may well just do that. I'll be on the soft drink though.

    I saw an amazing post rock guy last night in Berlin, in King Kong Klub. Reminded me a lot of Andy le Kipp, but he was a whole whole heap better. absolute quality. Ended up the night at a German Techno club that was open till 8am in the morning, that was a crazy crazy night.

  6. Awesome' date=' I'm going to Prague and that sounds really cool! Was it cheap and also did you happen to stay in Munich at all because I think I'm skipping north Germany for the sausage and pretzel filled Bavaria :cheers:[/quote']

    We stayed in the 36 bed dorm, which is the cheapest, and the best in my opinion. Its a really good way of meeting people. It was about 6 pounds per night, but its best if you book a week or two in advance to make sure you get a bed. beer is about 35p in the bar for a pint, oh yeah.

    I'll try to find out tonight what the best hostel in Munich is, there's bound to be someone in the bar who's been there.

    I just found a sexshop today around the corner of my Berlin hostel, it just gets better and better :cheers:

  7. genuis. i <3 you ross. get gratitude yet???

    oh lightning bolt.....if dont own wonderful rainbow then your just a silly billly.....so yea :D

    I've ordered Gratitude from Play.com, so it should be at my flat for when i get back from Prague/Berlin, looking forward to hearing it, i shall pass my review onto you once i hear it.

  8. If anyone is going to Prague or Berlin this year, here is the best Hostels that i've stayed in.

    Prague- Clown and Bard

    This one is a wee bit out of the center, about a 20minute walk, or 2mins on the underground. But it is immense, the bar is brilliant, the 36bed dorm is amazing, and attitudes of the staff and travellers is so chilled out. Every night i was there we went out with about 30 people from the hostel, purely through random chat and drinking games. Quality.

    Berlin- Circus

    Much like the Clown and Bard, in that it is totally chilled out and everyone is super friendly. Bar is excellent, last night they had open mike where people were playing jeff buckley et al. I contributed with a totally drunken bass rendition of 'New Birds' by Arab Strap which went down rather well, thank god!!

    Note:avoid the Generator Hostel in Berlin, it really is pish.

    Now if ony i can find some David HassleHoff, it really is impossible to find!!

  9. fucking ace

    going to be in edinburgh soon

    i have got ride the skies on vinyl

    oh love

    vague memories of you telling me about this band. As your attorney i advise you to make me a cd of excellent music, preferably post-rock-esque.

  10. do you remember the elgin match mrP

    i believe it was two nil montrose

    elgin were indeed a shower of shite that day

    Bear in mind i was heckling Elgin that day as well, Caley through and through :cheers:

    Europe is immense man, but cant believe i cant buy any Hasslehoff in Berlin!!!

  11. oh man i totally miss neighbours!! i'm on a 2week piss up around Europe just now, and this lack of neighbours is starting to get to me. Although my flamate is taping all the episodes i'm missing, so i will have a total omnibus when i get back.

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder

  12. this gig was on the day i left for Prague, could've timed the departure date a bit better had i known they were playing. Poops.

    Managed to go to the wrong Airport in Glasgow, great start. But still made the plane thank god.

    Well ace here, cheap booze, massive portions of food, and clubs open till 6am.

    Off to Berlin in a few days, think i may grow a handle bar moustache

  13. They are simply amazing, one of the best bands i have seen live. and possibly the only band to get a brilliant sound in Drummonds

    The Glasgow gig (sorry Maxi) was utterly mind blowing though, such an amazing wall of sound. Cant wait for some new material

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