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Posts posted by Tav

  1. Who says you even need to buy all your effects pedals...alot of the are only some simple electronic components arranged in different way to alter the signal...I bet I could make the majority of distortion pedals for about 2/3 if that...obviously you need cicuit diagrams <got> the components <readily available> and a soldering iron...then some sort of container to mounrt it in...might not look as cool but at 3 instead of 60 it works for me...

  2. Yeah, I suppose a quick little play isn't so bass...especially on bass since it's qutie a stable instrument with the fixed bridge...guitars with trem's can pose problems when it comes to stability...so might take longer to get back to pitch...

    Tuning by harmonics is a nice way to do it loud...or like Tommy Emmanuel he uses a little riff type thing that incorporates tuning with harmonics in it and is a nice little touch instead of the usual....DING -DUMMMM DING - DUMMMM DING-DING

  3. It's all well and good tuning by ear but it's not the easiest thing to do live...people do not like to you hear you tuning your guitar between songs and trying to do it quitely in a crowded venue doesn't work.

    Much better to mute the signal into a tuner and get it done accurately and quickly. Plus if there's 3 of you playing strings then your all going to want to be in tune together...again with as little noise as possible...if you all of you use tuners you don't have to play a note to know your all at pitch.

    Obviously tuning by ear is something worth learning to do but everyone uses tuners...it elminates any potential problems/annonying noise...

  4. Originally posted by Craig Quik:

    You're not saying a 20W valve amp with a 10" speaker sounds pish are you? Just cos it's only 20W?

    I dunno who that was directed at but yeah agree with the smaller amps sounding good...that's why many big acts use "small" amps...Ed O'Brien from radio head had 2 Mesa F Serises <I think> and a Vox <prob AC30> aswell which were both combos...though obviously not 20w ones...when you get to big gigs with a full house PA I guess you can use anything you want really?

  5. Originally posted by Craig Quik:

    I dont really see the point in spending more money to get louder valves, only to have to spend even more money on an attenuator to quieten them.

    Your not buying louder valves your buying better sound...which happens to be a side effect of louder playing volumes...the attenuator would only be for home use/small gigs where you can't let rip.

  6. I'm a fan of big and smooth bass with alot of power to it...no distortion or crumble to the sound...just that big big bad sound. I love playing higher up the neck using the D and G strings much like the Cunning Stunts bass doodle with Jason Newstead or Orion by Cliff Burton but I love the deep lows offered by a bass...more melodic playing is my thing but alot of solid lines in there too...no funk/slap for me thank you very much. That is why my main influence are the Metallica bassist's Burton and Newstead along with the AIC bassist's Inez and Starr.

    Gear wise I am a big fan of the now non-exsistant Trace Elliot bass amps. Ibanez basses have those slender necks and more slender body designs...not a fan of the Pbass shape...though a Jbass with more slender horns and different head stock ala Sadowsky basses does it for me. Active electronics set for full on power...like I said no slap for me. Stuart Spector basses also rank high on the diserability list.

  7. Originally posted by Craig Quik:

    Bass amps have to have more power cos of their frequency or something.

    Something to do with how we hear high and low frequencies and how amp cicuits handle them...I believe it's recommended to have a bass amp 4 or 5 times more powerful than the guitar amp in your band...so if the guitarist has 50w you really want about 250w

  8. Originally posted by Leckie Gilman:

    hang on a minute. i use a 100w combo and your amp is clearly way louder than mine, but yours is a 50w.

    so like how does that work?

    Plus if he's running through a 4 speaker cab more air is getting shifted and hence a louder sound...the shape of the cab also plays apart too...

  9. Originally posted by Craig Quik:

    What's wrong with emo?

    Well I have a 50W 4x12 and it's not shit for live gigs. If you're after a valve amp then 150W would be shite for gigs, unless you're playing on huge stages. Valves have to be driven to sound good - working at about 70 - 90% of their volume they sound good. If you have a 150W amp at 90% of it's volume you're gonna be way too loud! So you have to turn down and they're working at about 40% and, well, dont have the magic. I don't even think you get many 150W guitar amps?

    50W isn't quiet either.

    Bass amps have to have more power cos of their frequency or something. I have a 100W Peavy transistor amp and it's loud as hell too.

    Unless you get a power attenuater? Then you can run your amp at really high volumes and it will soak up some of the power before it gets to cab. Hence...great sound...lower volume...examples are the Marshall power brake and the THD Hot Plates...I think it's THD

  10. Originally posted by craig deadenstereo:

    run a pedal into you rrecording machine without an amp.

    That's pure pre-amp. Similar technique used for The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson and Territorial Pissings - Nirvana.

    Persoanlly I think it's a shite sound. Impossible to do live I reckon and very body-less. Suppose it works on the recording, but think how good it could have sounded with a decent sound!


    I am talking about the live sound...it was fucking awesom...kind light and gritty that with plenty of sustain...

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