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Posts posted by paranoid

  1. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)



    Next time such thoughts run through your head, please look at this game:



    They're legal now, right?

    Seriously, I like loud guitars and drums and riffs, just don't get these wierd vocals, what's the deal with that?

    It is sludge. But that begs the question, what is sludge?

  2. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    So' date=' we're all in agreement. Some of us like different things than others.

    Good hustle, guys![/quote']

    Pretty much, yeah!

  3. Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Yeah that's all it is.

    It was all fun when everyone was ripping the piss wasn't it. Sorry, I don't think it's fair to rip the piss out of people who seem to think everyone is being genuine. It was fun baiting them, but there is a line and I think it has been crossed.

    So we have to close the thread now, because you're bored? Are you in charge of teh internets now?

    Yes please, I will be king of teh nternetz!

  4. Eternal Idol is just some fucker shouting, sounds like a poor man's My Mind's Weapon.

    Yeah that's all it is.

    It was all fun when everyone was ripping the piss wasn't it. Sorry, I don't think it's fair to rip the piss out of people who seem to think everyone is being genuine. It was fun baiting them, but there is a line and I think it has been crossed.

  5. Yeah, honesty time, it's utter balls.

    Maybe give listening to music a go, then try and recreate the sounds you hear. If you did this already, check what it was you heard, because I think you got a video of Bill Oddie speaking over a video of warthogs mating.

  6. yeah i did i never thought that many people listen to grunge anymore but grunge is still standing strong

    Yip, standing strong. Hundreds of grunge fans in Aberdeen. No-one is ripping the piss at all.

    Did anyone ever sort out a sarcasm punctuation mark for use on teh interwebz?

  7. Surely I cannot be the only one smelling wind-up?

    I was thinking this yesterday but didn't think anyone would've gone to the effort of recording a few tracks.

    The Peter Docherty-esque typing now from Deyzer has made my suspicions grow further.

    I have had my doubts, the ribbing has been taken far too well for people on the internetwebz...

  8. We Have Done A Unoffical Unplugged In Stefans Bedroom

    Wait a minute, you're not from ShutterSpeed at all, typing like that...

    Back to AADS Peter. You're not flavour of the month any more, not since you let your Twitter get as wayward as you did.

  9. And 'Spurt The Seed' (just for Scorge!).

    Some absolute beauties...

    Sheered Putts

    Tethered Puss

    Tethered Sups

    Seethed Spurt

    Teethed Spurs

    Speedster Hut

    Pestered Shut

    Pestered Tush

    Pestered Huts

    Pestered Thus

    Petered Shuts

    Seeped Thrust

    Seeped Truths

    Steeped Hurts

    Deepest Hurts

    Retested Push

    Heed Sputters

    Heeds Sputter

    Heeds Putters

    Deep Shutters

    Peed Shutters

    Sputtered Hes

    Sputtered She

    Puttered Shes

    Deeps Shutter

    Speed Shutter

    Petted Ushers

    Petted Rhesus

    Petted Rushes

    Detest Pusher

    Tested Pusher

    Pushed Setter

    Pushed Retest

    Pushed Tester

    Pushed Street

    Sherd Puttees

    Herds Puttees

    Shred Puttees

    Sherds Puttee

    Shreds Puttee

    Rushed Septet

    Hued Pretests

    Spurted Sheet

    Spurted These

    Dupes Tethers

    Putted Sheers

    Trusted Sheep

    Thuds Steeper

  10. Band posts demo on myspace.

    World domination ensues.

    The all get hooked on smack before blowing their brains out, "Better to burn out than fade a-dey" etc.

    The end.

    Fucking settle down, DEMO? How dare you paint this work of genius with the brush marked "demo"?


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