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Posts posted by Neil

  1. I know I'm still a newbie' date=' but please, Neil.....don't introduce bits on the profile that get more important sounding as you post more (eg I was on a Forum where new posters started as "wax cylinders", then worked their way up to tape, vinyl, CDs etc.....I thought it was very tacky!! Another had a star system....talk about divisive.))[/quote']

    Yeah, user ranks are a bit naff. We tried them awhile ago but I got rid of them because they just seemed rather pointless and just gave people the excuse to pump up their post counts all the time.

    For those of you concerned about gigs that were advertised in signatures then I am working on a new feature that will advertise gigs across the top of all forums and not just the home page. Mouse, your idea is also a good one that I hadn't though of before so I'll have a play around and see how feasible your idea is to implement.

  2. This will no doubt prove to be a very unpopular decision but after some long consideration I have decided to completely disable signatures for all Regular Members.

    There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, a number of members are quite frankly starting to take the piss with their signatures with regards to the size and colours of text they are using. Not only do some signatures become an eyesore on the web site but the longer signatures also considerably increase the size of the page being displayed. This is inconsiderate to those with low resolution displays and low bandwidth connections to the Internet. I simply dont have the time to contact each of these members and edit their signatures and warn them. Remember, signatures are meant to be just that - a signature. They are not meant for publishing huge lists of gigs, or filling with random crap.

    However, there will be exceptions. The moderators and I will still have the ability to have signatures as will two new user groups (there will be a further announcement regarding this soon). And before you all cry about this being unfair do remember that the moderators and I donate a fair amount of our own free time to help run this web site (and in my case lots of cash as well). So it is only fair we get some perks!

    As I mentioned previously, there will be two new user groups being created soon. I don't want to give too much away as yet but there will be the opportunity for those of you that simply must have a signature to get one. But you will have to give something back to the web site in order to get it. Stay tuned for more information regarding this.

    With the migration to vBulletin v3.0.1 pretty much a complete success then I can march on with many planned improvements to the web site. Also keep an eye for these - they should be pretty cool.

  3. Welcome to the successfully upgraded aberdeen-music.com web site!

    As you can see it is all change and hopefully for the better. As said in my last post you can expect bits and pieces of the web site to not quite be working correctly here and there but if this is the case then please let me know by making a post in the Technical Problems forum.

    At present all sections of the web site should be working with the exception of the Gallery (still being upgraded). I will announce when this section will be coming back online.

    For now, sit back and get familiar with the new web site. If you have any queries or feedback then please post it in the Comments & Suggestions forum and I will respond to it if necessary.

    May I strongly recommend you all update your user profiles once logged in as there are many new options to take advantage of.

    UPDATE: The WAP access to the forums and your private messages is available once more. The URL as always is: http://wap.aberdeen-music.com

    If you haven't tried the WAP version of the forums before then please do. It allows you to read, reply and post threads on any of the forums as well read your private messages on the move. The site should work with any WAP enabled mobile phone, PDA or PocketPC device.

    Have fun! 8)

  4. This web site will be temporarily closed from 8pm, Friday 4th June until Sunday, 6th June (at the latest).

    Why? At long last the big upgrade of aberdeen-music.com is going to happen. This upgrade will be the most significant upgrade of the web site since the original move to vBulletin from the Burning Boards software a couple of years ago. Unlike then there will be no need to re-register. All user accounts, private messages, posts and threads will all be retained during the upgrade. However, the look and feel as well as the functionality of the web site will be considerably different as the site will be based upon the much improved vBulletin v3.0.1 software.

    Like the last upgrade when moving web servers the upgrade will be performed in a phased approach. The web site will be closed down during the period stated above and then re-opened section by section. The portal front-end and the forums will be the first to be re-opened, then the photo galleries and the finally followed by the WAP version of the forums.

    Once the site is finally re-opened there will almost certainly be numerous problems with the site that will need to be fixed. As always please post reports of any problems or irregularities in the Technical Problems forum and I will do my best to resolve them as quickly as possible.

    Please note that all users will be required to login to the web site even if they remained logged in previously. This is due to significant changes to the login system. Also bands and organisations with their own forums hosted on this web site will not be required to change their links to this web site. As they will not be changed by the upgrade.

    Another significant change that will be made during the upgrade is the clearing of the list of banned members from the web site. Due to substantial changes to the rules of the web site I felt it would be unfair to keep people banned for breaking a rule that may no longer exist or has since been significantly revised. Therefore, as a gesture of goodwill, I will allow all previously banned members of the web site to re-register if they wish or allow them to own up to possessing new user accounts on the web site. They may have these renamed to reveal their true identity if they wish. If this is the case then can they please contact me privately via a private message.

    This is not to say that people will no longer be banned from the web site in the future. Let me be very clear the rules still apply and must be adhered to by all members and moderators.

    As with all big changes not everyone will be happy with what they see this weekend. But I believe I have managed to make a number of significant changes that should take aberdeen-music.com to the next level and continue moving it down the road of success. I encourage you all to take time to get used to the changes and familiarise yourself with the new web site and if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the changes then, as always, please post them in the Comments & Suggestions forum.

    Thank you.

  5. No chance. Why?

    1. The Wasteland forum already exists for all off-topic discussion.

    2. There are very few threads started on this web site regarding World Politics that could be moved to such a forum if it existed.

    3. The purpose of this web site is not to discuss politics. It is to discuss the local music scene of Aberdeen, Scotland.

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