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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2010 in all areas

  1. When I saw Andy had commented, I nearly had an 'art attack.
    1 point
  2. Rebuttal ......and Hello! Hi All! Isn't the internet a wonderfull thing. 8-) A place where like minded people can interact, share opinions and interests, make friends, ....and post complete bullshit while passing it off as fact! I'm Andy Charters from Marseille. I got a good LOL from reading this thread ...so thanks. But let's set the record straight with a few facts: 1. We are not "fucking expensive". No one from the band, or representing the band has contacted The Moorings for a gig. We don't use agent's or bookers. We book our own gigs 2. We don't charge 2,000, or anywhere NEAR that amount to do what we enjoy most....gigging in front of die-hard rockers! 2,000?? ...That's complete and utter bullshit. 3. Neil is not a "fucking fraud" and DOES in fact play the guitar with his own hands ...although some of his solos are ones he "made earlier, before the show" 8-) 4. If the artwork sucks ...then that's my fault ...but then EVERYONE'S artwork looks like crap on MySpace! LOL ....checkout the proper band website at marseilleonline.co.uk for a less ....umm "cluttered with crap" view. 5. Are we crap? ....that's for each of you to decide for yourselves, but don't let one or two "bedroom guitar heroes" with an internet connection decide that for you. But seriously .....we'd love to play up in your neck of the woods. All we need is an invite! We're gigging in Glasgow and St. Andrews later in the year to promote the new album. And if any of you are going down to Hard Rock Hell in December we'll see you there (We'll be the ones hangin out at the bar when we're not playing). None of us are doing this for cash, fame or because that's all we can do. Hell, I dip into my own pocket for airfare across from the States for every gig. We're doing it because we love it. We got badly burned by the "suits" first time round. Well now we've all grown up, been successfull at what we do outside the music biz ....so we're BACK to do it OUR WAY this time! ....and having a fucking ball doing it. Yep, Neil is a very well known bloke because of his TV days but ask anyone who's actually been to one of our gigs ....a nicer, more down to earth bloke you could not meet. He gave up the TV career so he could do what he likes best - ROCK!....and anyone that wants to DOES get to meet us all at the bar for a chat (and doodle on a knapkin) after the gig. We're regular rockers just like you lot. See you all soon! Keep BELIEVING! ....Keep ROCKING! 8-)
    1 point
  3. Kinda annoys me as well, but it's them that's missing out by not broadening their horizons so fuck them for the snivelling sods they are. Alternatively, starve them for a day or two and that should sort them out. Let's see you turn your nose up at it now, you spoilt cunt.
    1 point
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