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Posts posted by Marsh

  1. He was at our school as well in the Green Cross Code Man guise. What a role model to have - A real life superhero.

    I was lucky enough to meet him about ten years ago and he was an absolute gent - took time to talk to me about Star Wars, A Clockwork Orange AND training Christopher Reeve. He was so enthusiastic and down to earth - the friendliest famous person I've ever met.

    You won't find a bad word against David Prowse - one of the good guys. Hope he's okay.

  2. I always find it hilarious when anyone challenges anything done by any of the mods on this site.

    Always a favourite when someone gets particularly Dundee Utd. about a single post being deleted: "Why was my post deleted while x's wasn't" etc.

    On this site Mods > you. Neil has said so many times that this site's not a democracy as he rules over everyone. It's his site. The mods work for Neil. You agree to it when you sign up. Anyone who can't get their head round this would be better off on other internet forums. It reminds me of Stripey too much, for fucks sake........

  3. Thats fair enough about an internet rumour but i had to put up with that fucking advert on every 20 mins on Original 106......I actually sensed in the guys tone on the advert that it was a fucking lie!

    the guy is obvioulsy a cunt. I had heard it before from someone who worked there and this just underlined it.

    Ha ha! I'd forgotten about about it being on the radio.

    I don't listen to the radio so was fortunately saved from that but only had what I was reading on here to go by. I heard the initial "rumour" from a mate and would have completely disregarded it if it wasn't wentioned on this site.

    But you get what I mean anyway!

  4. This thread should be used as part of the National Curriculum in computing studies:

    The lesson being: Don't believe rumours posted on internet forums and never, ever take someones word for it on the internet in any capacity.

    I took the safer gamble and, despite other's persistence this was happening, decided to stay away. Glad I did now.

    The manager must have been the arse that I spoke to when I was in my first (and only time.) Sounds like he's an even bigger tosser than I thought.

    Cracking review of them in Miami, though!

  5. I've heard this rumour too and would really like to know if it's true!

    Fitzpatricks has the honour for me of being the "worst pint of lager in town" after I visited it last weekend. Just went in past on the way back into Castlegate from King Street Seriously, the worst pint ever. Flat, discoloured and tasted like lead. A poorly decorated and lifeless pub with more staff than punters as well.

    Wouldnae care if Shane was appearing on Saturday, though!!!

    I'm on the case now..................

  6. I went to school with a guy who was mates with a dude who jumped off a snooker table and a cue went right up his arse! Side passage and constant memories of it for the rest of his life!

    The best bit is I thought it was a made up story (the guy had more than a tendancy to exaggerate) but one Saturday afternoon in town we met the guy. He was actually quite proud of his "modification" in a sick way! All was going well until he actually opened the shitbag right in the middle of a busy John Menzies!!!! I can offically say I've smelt death!

    Lesson: Be careful when participating in human pyramids / leaping off the bar, Bags!!!!!!!!

  7. There's only 4 years between them.

    I can't believe he publicly apologised. People of the world you are cunts for making a man who is passionate about his work feel like he has to apologise for getting passionate about his work.

    He certainly won't be the first person to have lost the plot with someone on set so why it's such a big deal is beyond me.

    If I got "passionate" at my work and shouted at someone "I'm gonna kick your ass" after a tirade of insults I'd be dunted before I could cough.

    And I don't get paid millions to come to work to basically pretend all day.......

    In any case I think it's the director that should be getting the criticism for not asserting himself on HIS set. What a twat.

  8. I know there are a few I.T. gurus on here so thought I'd see if anyone could help me with this problem I have:

    My P.C. runs Windows XP and was running very slow. I did the full monty of defragging and used TuneUp Utilities on all the bits that were slow or not optimised. Restarted - no worries. Running fine.

    I then used a Registry cleaner to speed things up further and get rid of unnessecary files- I ran this but in the middle of it, while I was browsing the internet, the P.C. just hung and beeped from the base unit. Left it for four hours but it never recovered. Had to switch off at the wall.

    Restarted - brick wall. The "welcome" screen where it says Windows is loading your personal settings usually took about 5 seconds then displayed the two user accounts. Now, this takes about 5 minutes. And here is the real problem - both accounts are now password protected. I've never set a password before as it's just the wife and me in the house so I've never really needed it. I definitely have never set an admin password beofre either. So basically, I'm fully locked out with no idea how this happened.

    I read that by default the admin password should be blank so went into safe mode and tried adding a blank admin password. Didn't work.

    I downloaded a boot disk from a website that enabled me to go into safe mode then add a set of commands in DOS to reset the admin password. Didn't work.

    I'm just a bit fearful that there's something missing in the registry now that can't be repaired. It's a bit of a strange one.

    Am I going to have to pay for something like this (which may not even work)

    Windows Password Reset - ResetWindowsPassword.com

    Or will I just have to reinstall XP? All my music, photos and fliles are on my extrernal hard drive so it wouldn't quite be the end of the world, but I really want to try everything possible before I'm forced to do this.

    I have also read that I can run a repair through the XP installation disk - does anyone know if this would work?

    Any help or advice would be most appreciated and anyone who can come up with a solution will be rewarded with a few beers or whatever.



  9. Damn, I'd definitely have gone to this had I known about it in advance. :<

    I wouldn't worry about it - they were truly apalling!

    The singer / guitarist was singing out of tune the entire gig. It was cringeworthy.

    The singer is an irritating twat. Hey we're not all in the middle of exams, Junior.

    The bassist had one gag about puking on his dick while wanking that raised a mild titter at best the first time. The scond time it was irritating. the third time. ... You get the idea.

    They acted like the place was heaving - It clearly wasn't.

    Every song sounded pretty much exactly the same.

    The final straw was the bit at the end when they all started talking over each other and milked it for a rude amount of time.

    I could go on but i suppose it was only 4.50 and it got me out for a couple o pints. Maybe I'm getting too old for the incessantly happy pop punk nonsense nowadays.

    Only plus point was the drummer who stood in and learned the entire set on an iPod on the flight. He was an amzing drummer indeed: obvisouly made even better by the fact he learned the songs so quick. Seriously good drummage. Blast beats n' athing.

  10. Check out Z - Trip: You can download his ace Live in LA LP for free (along with some other pleasing stuff) for free at:

    DJ Z-Trip / Downloads

    It might help you appreciate the mixing more as he plays some stuff I'm sure you'll know, and it's not "dance music" per se. Some of it's mixed on 45s as well, which is cool.

    It's a world of difference from Soulwax just mixing two tracks together on a Mac to make a new track - this dude is the real deal. Some good uses of scratching and ace DJing, I reckon. The Tool mix at the beginning is pure class.

    I'm sure there are a ton of folk who do this sort of thing, but Z - trip floats my boat.

    Not sure if this'll help you "get" mixing / DJing but it's something a bit different, if anything.

  11. Was there a big crowd?

    Not exactly packed, min. They had to curtain off sections.

    Not that it's a fair comparison but when I think about it compared to Muse or the Foo Fighters it was relatively sparse. Thought at the time it would have been better in a packed Music Hall - the atmosphere was really sterile.

  12. saw them down in glasgow earlier this year and i was surprised at just how many new songs they put in their set.it was still good tho just a shame they missed out a few of their 'classics'

    You were right sir - far too many new ones and too many classics left out. The first song set the tone really badly - the fiddle solo was pure shite. What the fuck was the guy in the dress all about? And Tim Booth saying "shut the fuck up" because everyone wouldn't go quiet was out of order.

    Still, Born of Frustration, Laid, She's a Star, Ring the Bells, Tomorrow and particuarly Sometimes were brilliant.

    The keyboard player fucked up Come Home twice and that pissed me off further.

    Not worth 33 on reflection.

  13. Ticket booked, hotel room booked, sorted. Half day at work and afternoon beers on the train for me I think. :love:

    Oh, I'd keep off the beers.

    You might get rowdy or even feel brave enough to talk at the gig and disturb Mr. Braithwaite and the rest of the band.

    Fucked if I'm going up to Inverness to see them after being pigenholed in with all the twats who couldn't shut up when they played here.

  14. John Peel wasn't always right with his musical tastes

    Neither he was - I'd dislike at least half of each show but that was the appeal, picking out those hidden gems. And I thought he was just great to listen to.

    I'd have taken all recommendations by Peel with a pinch of salt!

    And the point is that he never did anything to deserve the verbal bashing he got from ol' Bright Eyes.

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