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Fromherashes need a 2nd Guitarist!!


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Well its been a long time since i first posted looking for people on here, but the line-up is almost complete. We are looking for a fairly acomplished guitarist with previous gigging experience and some experience of writing. Age not that much of a problem although prefferably early/mid twenties to keep with the current dynamic.

I suppose i'd better clue you in to wot style of music we are: well, if you think Killswitch Engage meets Dillinger Escape Plan meets Shai Hulud, you're on the right track. You must have a passion for music and a a fair bit of spare time as we are about to start writing.

If you are interested pm me(Phil) here or email/msn me on fromherashes@hotmail.com with a bit of info on yourself i.e wot sort of music u listen to, previous experience etc




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