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the boy from the blu stuff


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Awright fudge geezers, John of the Tokyoblu here. How's tricks? Last time I tried to find you guys on the net (a while back) there was no trace of you, and I feared the worst that you had gone out and gotten jobs, glad you're still keeping the gigs up, most of my favourite Risingson gigs were up with you guys.

Since I spoke to you last I got engaged, had a baby son (Ian), moved house, moved house again, started a new job (music promotions manager at Edinburgh Po Na Na) set-up and run several club nights in Edinburgh, I started a new band also called Tokyoblu (a house music thing) featuring Dave n Brett from Risingson, and DJ far more than is good for my already fecked hearing, I just mixed the Jan M8 covermount CD which features one of our first Tokyoblu tracks and I'm bashing on with getting my first single out (april-ish).

All in all a busy year.

I'd love to hook up with you guys again at some point although my drinking skills I fear are no longer up to the task.

hope you're all well.


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dahling, how are you? james TAR and i were enthusing about your motley bunch and the times we had in the former fudge flat just the other day as i recall. i haven't been down in edinburgh for aaaaages, although it's on my to-do list.

congratulations on the engagement and child sir. my lord. turn my back for a second, and look what you've got up to.... :)

i aim to be down in reekie around easter with any luch, so i'll get in touch for a pint. my drinking skills have also dropped, so we'll see who's left standing baby. oh yes.

fudgefanzine@hotmail.com if you're feeling chatty some day...

bri xxx

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