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Pickup Advice.


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Hi looking for some advice on some pick ups for my telecaster. I play anything from Pearl Jam to Metallica. So mainly rock/hard rock. Though I would like both good clean and dirty sounds with the ability to have powerful metal eaque distortion as well as your other less abrasive kinds.

I went on the seymour duncan site and the tone wizard made the following recommendations when I entered "hard rock/metal" and "fusion." I quite like the idea of having a humbucker in a single coil size at the bridge so Hot Rails are certainly tempting me...


STHR-1 Hot Rails <fusion>

STL-3 Quarter-Pound Lead <for both catogeries>

ST59-1 Little '59 <hard rock/metal>


STR-3 Quarter-Pound Rhythm <for both catogeries>

STR-2 Hot Rhythm <for both catogeries>

So basically I am looking for some advice from people about the above pickups or some alternatives.

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surely the main thing about hot rails is the fact that they're active - i'm certain you can get "cool" rails as well which are like passive humbuckers as i'm certain at the moment extra routing is not high on the agenda of things to do?!

hot rails arent active pickups, the only active pickups sd have made were the livewires

the hot rails is a singlecoil sized humbucker, the cool rails is another singlecoil sized humbucker, but with less output (and a different tonal character)

i would have a look at the jb jnr, i think that is also a smaller humbucker and supposed to be a great pickup


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The lil' 59 is basically a PAF but single sized btw.

pafs arent really noted as being good metal pickups though, which i would think the jb would be slightly better for (one of the gruitarists in iron maiden has that in the bridge of his strat is i am not mistaken)

its a pity there is no real way to try out pickups... the only way you can is to find a guitar with it in it already, which will probably sound different due to body woods and construction anyway...


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Guest lime ruined my life

i recently installed those hot rails in an old strat copy i aquired, i dont play metal, but the tone is quite fat, and there is a lot of output, they actually respond quite a lot to the subtlest of finger movements, like the box says (i thought it was likely to be full of shit when i read it) so solos/hamer ons/finger tapping are quite good with them.

if theres anything id say they are quite bassy, but you can compensate with yr amp, or combining with another pickup, i have mine installed at the neck, the middle and neck position selected has a really nice clean tone, with just the humbucker its quite a fat tone.

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