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well here goes nothing . . . .


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anyone want to start a proper hardcore band, ie none of the usual pish.

i cant play anything so i guess id have to shout.

and thurisaz is up for playing guitar

so we need some other folks

looking for something sounding like but not the same as comeback kid, stretch armstrong, sick of it all, divide, 7 seconds, bane, avail, earth crisis

maybe with a few beatdowns thrown in for fun

id like this to be a laugh, not a serious ooooh look we have drawn x's on our hands, basically a bunch of dudes or ladies getting together mess about

any takers?

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Hey, I might be up for drumming, sounds pretty cool...if it is just a laugh (ie. a few times a month at cap toms or whatever and some gigs) then yeah I could be done with doing that as my "main band" is on a real go slow just now, and I wanna reserve my guitar playing for that.....i ain't a great drummer but I was brought up on a strict diet of hardcore music so would know what to play....if you want a sample of me drumming check the below substandard qulity mp3's



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