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The Muscle Club + Get In Get Out + Come On Gang + Cryoverbillionaires - 1 July

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AGP are delighted to announce an Aberdeen date as part of 3 Scottish shows we have booked for Welsh band THE MUSCLE CLUB. For info if you aint from here they play Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh (30 June) and Bloc, Glasgow (2 July) as well


Tickets only 5 from One Up, Welcome to TicketWeb! - 14+

Great line up consists of...

THE MUSCLE CLUB take the best bits of indie and manage to assemble gems of pop songs. Having pulled a hearty crowd on their first visit north last March, we look forward to welcoming them back as they promote their imminent mini album "Fragmented Ideas From Young Lungs". Jangly guitars and fantastic melodies aplenty, they have been likened to The Cribs, however its in their own right that this band should be destined for biug things in the next few months.

GET IN GET OUT - Indie/Dance/Electro - who knows? but it works bloody well. In the last few months the Aberdeen outfit have mastered their sound and that has seen them support the likes of Unicorn Kid, Atlas Skye and of course bag this tour support as they play all 3 dates having impressed on the bill last time. If yiou havent seen them yet, you've missed out on one of Aberdeens brightest hopes!

COME ON GANG based in Edinburgh have been causing a stir for a while now. This year saw them play SXSW, as a highlight. Female fronted three piece magic with hints of Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The band have also played Hinterland, The Great Escape and are due to hit Rockness this month too! A must see!

CRYOVERBILLIONAIRES complete the bill and what a treat it is! Formed in Edinburgh in December 2005, The Billionaires cite their influences from a diverse range of bands, from Death Cab For Cutie through to At The Drive In, including on the way Every (good) American alternative rock band of the 20th century. Like their broad range of musical influences, their sound is impossible to pin down. From the beautiful sweeping sound of Atlantic Banks to the twisted, distorted, static saturated Of All Evil to the sheer joyous dance-ability of new song Stars Are Decoration, none of their songs sound alike.

And ultimately, it's this unpredictability that sets them apart from the copy-paste aesthetics of a lot of music today.


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Really enjoyed seeing Cryoverbillionaires tonight at Drummonds. You should definitely head down to this one early to catch them.

Without bigging ourselves up too much, Ive not looked forward to a full line up so much in a long time! All these bands are brilliant!

2 for 1 ticket offer at our myspace now

MySpace.com - AGP(Wave Machines/Little Kicks - FRI @ Tunnels) - 27 - Male - UK - www.myspace.com/aberdeengigpromotions

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Yeah Cryoverbillionaires were superb last night. Looking forward to this, should be pretty good. Oh and to all those loyal "get in get out" fans, we shall be performing our upcoming single "Toot Toot tits oot" at this very gig. Free sample CD to any hotties who take us up on that offer.


I realise this is an over 14 gig, so anyone whose age I have my doubts about will be strictly ID'd before the affore mentioned "tits for hits" situation.


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Yeah Cryoverbillionaires were superb last night. Looking forward to this, should be pretty good. Oh and to all those loyal "get in get out" fans, we shall be performing our upcoming single "Toot Toot tits oot" at this very gig. Free sample CD to any hotties who take us up on that offer.


I realise this is an over 14 gig, so anyone whose age I have my doubts about will be strictly ID'd before the affore mentioned "tits for hits" situation.


deary dear, im nopt sure AGP can condone this, especially as I know that you'll only be using the ID to prove that they arent old enough rather than ARE old enough. Dirty Dog!

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Getting away from Runcies worped mind...this is the next AGP show...;

You can catch THE MUSCLE CLUB at these places

TUE 30 JUNE - EDINBURGH - Cabaret Voltaire - 14+ - w/Get In Get Out, Come On Gang

WED 1 JULY - ABERDEEN - Tunnels - 14+ w/HGet In Get Out, Come On Gang & Cryoverbillionaires

THU 2 JULY - GLASGOW - Bloc - 18+ w/Get In Get Out

Tickets for ABERDEEN and EDIN are on Sale at One Up/Ripping Records respectively and Welcome to TicketWeb! - Glasgow is Free Entry

Great Line Ups! Good times!

2 for 1 offer for ABERDEEN at our website! MySpace.com - AGP(Wave Machines/Little Kicks TONIGHT@TUNNELS) - 27 - Male - UK - www.myspace.com/aberdeengigpromotions

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This is WEDNESDAY!!!!

Really enjoying Come On Gang just now - the female/drummer vocals are a bit different and interesting. The Muscle Clubs new stuff is sounding pretty damn good as well.

Check out all the bands - at a fiver for 4 quality bands you cant complain - thats 1.25 a set so approx 15p a song! Wow! :)

See you there! Well up for a boozy one (in a responsible promoter boozing sort of way!)

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This is Wednesdsay folks. Will give it a wee bump now as we're off to do the Edinburgh show tomorrow.

See you Wednesday in Aberdeen though. Urge you to come down early, Cryoverbillioanires are really really good as are Come On Gang. Two great supports from out of town.

Times in Aberdeen are likely to be

7.30pm Doors Open

8.20-8.50 Cryoverbillionaires

9.05-9.35 Get In Get Out

9.50-10.20 Come On Gang

10.35-11.15 The Muscle Club

Cant wait!

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