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Brian Jones - A Degree of Murder soundtrack

His Majesty

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Did a quick search and there doesn't seem to be any discussion about Brian Jones 1967 soundtrack for the German film A Degree of Murder.

The film isn't so good, but the soundtrack is at the very least interesting to both stones and led zep fans.

There's a whole lot of Brian Jone's versatility to be heard as well as some hot page fuzz guitar action, most notably during the murder scene. It sounds like Page plays on the majority of the soundtrack.

Why am I posting this, well there's an online petition trying muster support to get the soundtrack officially released on CD, it would be real cool if you could sign it!

It will very likely not sort out anything but, who knows, it's worth to try.

Doesn't cost you anything, you've just to click the link, put your name or nick and e-mail address. If you have more e-mail addresses sign twice.

Here is the link: A Degree of Murder Soundtrack

Here's some clips from the film:

Video :: ADOM1.flv video by zglass - Photobucket

Video :: ADOM2.flv video by zglass - Photobucket

Video :: ADOM3.flv video by zglass - Photobucket

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Did a quick search and there doesn't seem to be any discussion about Brian Jones 1967 soundtrack for the German film A Degree of Murder.

What? No discussion of an uber-obscure German film from 1967? What is thsi site coming to? ;)

Seriously though, does the music exist to be released. Film studios weren't as canny at keeping stuff back then, outtakes for example were usually chucked. It's possible his recording were used when they were mixing the film then destroyed.

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What? No discussion of an uber-obscure German film from 1967? What is thsi site coming to? ;)

Seriously though, does the music exist to be released. Film studios weren't as canny at keeping stuff back then, outtakes for example were usually chucked. It's possible his recording were used when they were mixing the film then destroyed.

Hehe, just been copy and pasting, so the search bit is a lie. :up:

People at a stones forum are slowly trying to work out who has what regarding recordings and copyrights etc etc.

The director of the movie has said he has a production copy of the music, basically the recording he was given to use back in 1967. He can't release it due to legal uncertainties about the copyright.

The film is out there on bootleg and it is via this bootleg that people can get a taste of the music, but it has the actors talking over it and the quality of the bootleg is pretty poor.

The best outcome would be for the directors copy of the music to be released on CD in a nice package with informative liner notes. 8-)

This petition might amount to nothing, or it could start the ball rolling, who knows!?

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