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Vocalist Seeks teacher to expand vocal range, and work on breathing excersizes


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Hi there

Ive been singing for 3 years in Melodic Power Metal band Ascension, and im looking to work on a few things that i require an experianced tutor for.

Firstly id like to work on expanding my range without venturing to far into the realms of Falsetto, which i do a lot in Ascension, i want to be able to hit those higher notes with more air and strength, if that makes sense.

I also need to be taught some good breathing excersizes and also im sure if a tutor hears me sing, they will be able to pick out many more things i could work on

Can afford to pay a good rate, lets negotiate! willing to travel up to maybe 10/15 miles for tuition, live in kincorth Aberdeen at the moment and have my own car.

So if there are any vocal coachs male or female willing to give me a shot and think they can highten my abilites, please email me on

Rickicaz1279@hotmail.com or through the Ascension myspace

MySpace.com - Ascension - Are gig hunting everywhere! - Aberdeen, Scotland - Metal / Metal / Metal - www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk

or PM me, but im rarely on here...so i dont know when id get it

Thanks a lot :)


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