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New Fat Hand Tech tune


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I didn't think much of it. still like the more melodic stuff though :up:

Cheers for giving it a go. I'm guessing the more minimal stuff is not your thing, I've got quite a few works in progress that are down the melodic route but I'm not sure where to take them yet. Got a cover of You Got the Love in the works just needing some time spent processing the vocals so there will definitely be some more melodic stuff up soon.

I'm currently in experimental mode so trying out as many different styles as possible. Hopefully be able to apply all the best bits that I learn together for my masterpiece ;)

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To be honest I think it falls short of your other stuff and, for me, totally lacks punch or interest. It meanders around a bit, but is really much of the same for a bit too long. Not so keen on the synth sounds or drums either; there doesn't seem much cohesion between them - too many similar noises making it all come over as a bit of an awkward, squelchy jumble. Things improve when the kick comes in at around 4.40...but overall, I think more space between the sounds is needed, more variation structurally and more definiton in the groove. I know what it's like to want to throw all your ideas down at once, but stripping things away every now and then and working within stricter limits is a decent way to remind yourself that great tunes can come out of very little.

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Cheers for that Bryn, I agree with most of what you're saying. It's pretty hard to hear how it actually sounds when you've listened to it a few too many times so really appreciate the feedback! I took a different approach than I normally do with this one so I'm not too surprised with comments on it's current state. I do think there are some really good points in it though. I will now strip it down for 2nd draught.

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