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This Friday @ Snafu // Ali Herron (OOFT)


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OOFT Music are The Revenge & Ali Herron. The name was coined during a 2006 DJ residency at the 333 club in Shoreditch, London. Now you can find OOFT DJing most weekends in various venues in Glasgow, curating the L.E.S.S. Productions edits series, producing records for UK label Five20East records, and also running an irregular little club night at the IVY venue.

Nothing is sacred for an OOFT DJ set as long as the fire keeps burning and the heads keep bobbing. Masters of the bar set, armed with turntables, computers, CDs and other bits of technological jiggery-pokery you can expect edgy hip-hop, twisted electronica, dubbed-out re-edits, freaky disco, bleepy house and stone-cold tear-jerkers all rinsed within an inch of their lives. For club work speaker troubling basslines, deep as the ocean house, Chicago classics and plenty of exclusives usually get a look in too.

Doors open 10pm.

www.myspace.com/ooftmusic // OOFT! // OOFT Music

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