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Eden Maine on "hiatus"


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"Don't say goodbye, say good journey

Hey there,

Firstly, our apologies for cancelling the show in Bristol and support of God Forbid. Regretfully this is due to our decision to take an indefinite hiatus. Things haven't quite gone according to plan for us, despite awesome reviews for 'To you the first star' and 3 amazing months touring the UK and Europe, its taken its toll on us financially forcing us to cancel any plans we had including a North American release. When you do so much off of your own back, follow the dream and take chances sometimes you just have to be realistic and for our own collective sanity we've taken this decision to take the strain off each other and get things straight. This isn't Eden Maine splitting up; this is just us going away for a while. We will still be getting together to write a new record, so we may just surprise you when you least expect it. Also, look out for other projects from each of us. It's a good time for us to experiment with other ideas and tread paths we may not have gone down as Eden Maine. We also hope to put the video for 'Cold Light' online in the near future. It was put together some time ago now but contains so many of the great times we've had together on tour that we'd like to share it with you.

So that's it for now, the forum will remain active so we'll keep you up to date with news on our new material and other projects. Sincere thanks to those who have given us such amazing support so far, it's meant a lot. Feel free to contact us anytime.

For now, be good. Eden Maine xx"

Boooo! :swearing:

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Guest Page 99

The new beecher material was a surprise of the good kind. I totaly wasn't expecting them to come out with such and eclectic and strong album.

[Edit] Yeah okay i've heard the Johnny truant album now, and will probibly be purchasing it as soon as it comes out. Bloody brillaint album, not sure if it's better than Beecher's newie but still a rather good new school metal album.

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