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The Ghost Of Fudge

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sorry min, your PM didn't seem to work...

hey phil

have you heard of millionaire? do you want to go and see them and write a review for fudge? or even interview them if you're interested? i dunno if that's your idea of fun or not...

i have the album, and it's flipping ace. funky, dancey NYC vibes bolted onto QOTSA riffs and weird noises everywhere. it works better than that suggests. :)

i'll let their plugger do his work:



Release Date: 26th September 2005


12th September Barfly, London

13TH September - Bar Academy, Birmingham

"Like a more adventurous QOTSA with added weirdness, Millionaire are doing strange and audacious things to stoner rock" - Kerrang!

"mightily heavy riffs predominate, but there's also a hint of strange disco to bring an insane sort of edge to things" - Guardian Guide

"For me, Paradisiac is about wanting to get out of a bad or dark period" explains Millionaire singer/guitarist Tim Vanhamel. "It's about longing for more than the shit you have." Recorded at Sound City Studios, Los Angeles by Queens Of The Stone Age mainman Josh Homme, the Antwerp quartet's second album is everything modern rock should be: heavy, layered, danceable and intuitively melodic. It's also been a long time coming. The band's debut, Outside The Simian Flock'' was released way back in 2001. In the interim, they toured the world with QOTSA, supported the Foo Fighters in Europe, and opened for Muse a couple of times. Tim also joined Homme and Jesse "The Devil" Hughes in glam-boogie trio Eagles Of Death Metal, while keyboardist Aldo Struyf played in Mark Lanegan's touring ensemble. Powerhouse drummer Dave Schroyen kept himself busy with idiosyncratic Belgian outfits PornRobot and Vandal X, the latter produced by Millionaire bassist Bas Remans.

'Outside The Simian Flock' remains a fine debut, fizzing with wit and invention. It certainly made an impact on Josh Homme. As well as inviting the band on tour, he repeatedly offered to produce the follow-up. That promise became a reality in August 2004, when Millionaire decamped to Sound City in Van Nuys. For Tim, being in Los Angeles was a trip in itself. "A lot of my influences are from LA, from The Doors to Guns N' Roses to Beck. I'm a huge Jane's Addiction fan, too. I actually wrote a couple of things while I was in Venice Beach with Eagles Of Death Metal. And it was such a relief to have Josh in the studio, someone we could trust to get a fat sound down."

Sure enough, Paradisiac is loaded with juicy, blood-thick grooves. Songs like I'm On A High and the insidious A Lust Unmatched are propelled by an enigmatic, hip-swivelling sensuality. It's sexy music - minus the clichs and macho bluster which often blight hard rock. "That's something we share with Queens. We definitely have that feel - sex and death and life. Religion too, sort of. I'm not a practising Catholic or anything, but deep down there's something. Knowing right from wrong." This feeling fuels maniacal closer A Face That Doesn't Fit - a Brainiac-wired attack on celebrity culture - and the deliciously twisted Alpha Male. "It's good to have a theme you can scream when you're angry," says Tim of the latter. "It's aimed at a bunch of people. It could be George Bush at the time, it could be a friend. All the songs are just moments. "Sonically, Millionaire are refreshingly capricious, gleefully mixing the organic and electronic: "I've never been either or with technology. I'm interested in both analogue and digital. I don't want to choose. Someone usually has the main idea for a song. We take that to the rehearsal room to work on the lyrics and so forth. But it's different for each tune - sometimes we jam, some things come from a sample. Sometimes I make a drum track on my computer, then give it to Dave and he makes it his own."

BAND: Bas Remans (bass), Dave Schroyen (drums), Aldo Struyf (keyboards), Tim Vanhamel (guitar, vocals)


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