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Posts posted by brettthain1

  1. Wife walks in from the door after a long day, looks around the house in amazement everything's tidied... But remembered waging a bet she'd give her husband the blow if he was to tidy up for once.

    She creeps into bed thinking about her plan to do the deed now while he is asleep, so she can get it over with without the gloat and smug from her husband.

    After she finished, she heads across the hallway to the bathroom to clean up... In shock... To find her husband coming out of the shower.

    'What the fuck are you doing in there!?' She screams, in shock, confusion and disgust.

    'SHHT!' He replies, 'Have you not checked your phone?... Your brother had an accident and is in our bedroom getting some rest!'.

  2. I just got one of those rare Line 6 Echo Parks. Very warm tape delays and the vibrato modulation with the analog delay does a very convincing U2 Bad! It goes side by side with the DL4 beautifully which will never leave by my side!

  3. Brett - a few easy steps for you to follow:

    1. Look at your payslip.

    2. Check the tax code on your payslip.

    3. Check the tax code on your copy of your P45.

    4. Do they match?

    5. If they DON'T match then it's probable that your P45 hasn't made it to the taxman yet = speak to your HR/payroll contact to find out what's going on.

    6. If they DO match then there may be a problem with the amount of your pay before tax = speak to your HR/payroll contact to find out what's going on.

    7. Google "examples of sarcasm".

    8. Read some examples of sarcasm.

    9. Re-read Mac Atom's last post.

    10. Reflect that not understanding either sarcasm or how you get paid is a sad indictment of modern youth.

    11. Die a little inside.

    The fact you took the time to write all that, the response I'll give will have wait another day for!

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