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Posts posted by Gypsum_Fantastic

  1. Skeleton thin twee-fashionistas who are currently sporting black thick-rimmed spectacle frames with no lenses in them. Not as a visual aid, but simply to be wearing something on their face. I guess they feel disappointed that they were blessed with 20/20 vision and don't get the pleasure of wearing glasses. I don't know why they didn't just come to me. I'd happily paintball them in the eyes, Byker Grove style, until their vision was beyond repair.

    Fashion is stupid. Everyone should wear fucking binbags, because they clearly can't be trusted to not look like a fuckrug.

    fuckrug! you must spread ect

  2. Fuck that man. Took that guy in the Newcastle top down with three huge challenges in the last 10 minutes.

    Did nothing apart from that. :down:

    Well played guys. Nev and that guy from KCGHG especially, he was brilliant, poor cunt seemed to pull his hammy attempting a ludicrous overhead kick, though.

    Wanted to chop that guy down though, the one we're all referring it. Unfortunately never got near him.

    Joe had a good game, as did Callum but I think MOTM must go to John W. The "linchpin", ball to ball player, spurring on our attacks and reinforcing our defence. The Wd-40 of eight a side.

    Thanks Murr!

    aye thanks Murr, and oi i counted two good challenges i dont know where this third one came from but you were well arfter me boy! good challanges no one was hurt i like it! :up:

  3. well there are two man options so therefore only two option, both of which involve coming out (to the pub not the closet)

    1. Straight from football to the pub, with a possible shower at the sports viallge

    2. go home jump in shower, put on clothes, go to moorings with fellow players, NO FANNYING ABOUT!

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