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Posts posted by Flights

  1. 220px-Unknownpleasures.jpg


    Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures


    TSTWDEN is thinking about doing a cover and for some reason I thought it was on this album. Turns out it's Interzone not Incubation. Still just an incredible piece of music so glad I gave it a spin this morning. The guitar tone is probably up there with my favourite of all time. Fuck knows what Bernard was using at the time but it sounds amazing. 10/10

  2. Loveliescrushing - bloweyelashwish


    1993 debut album from a couple of spaced out ambient shoegaze types. Its hard to believe that it's just guitars and vocals, some of the lushest, fullest sound soundscapes I've ever heard. Perfect for a rainy day like today. Has no drums but makes up for it with lashings of delay and reverb. Imagine Loveless with no drums and no distortion/overdrive.

    I'm gonna give this 8/10.

  3. The last time I went to Brewdog, a waitress had a go at me for not drinking a Brewdog product, I was drinking red wine. She actually opened with "Not having a go, but..." and I said that I didn't like any Brewdog beer, which is true as I'm more of a Tennents man. She was not pleased about this at all and I was made to feel quite unwelcome in the bar. Now, it might seems strange I was in there since I don't like their drinks, but I was meeting friends who happen to. Not so keen to go back now, I don't want to be given grief for spending money on their premises again. I'd happily have a pint/drink in Six Degrees North, safe in the knowledge that cunt staff won't be exploding their vag's at me. Wish they sold Tennents though.


    A pubs only a pub if it has Tennents on draught.

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