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Everything posted by MinceWithTatties

  1. Not too keen on couriering it, send me a message with where you stay and we might be able to come to some agreement
  2. In the belly of a sharkkkkk! I would but got nobody to go with Plus promises to be a good day for football tomorrow!
  3. That's a floor tom and bass pedal gone, so I still have a bass drum with 2 toms attached a snare drum, snare stand, and a couple of cymbals stands. Bass drum with 2 toms for 50 quid, snare drum and stand 20, each cymbals stand a tenner. Hi-hat stand 20 quid. Who can say no to those prices? I'll sell the melody maker for 300 or anyone close to that mark. Keep postin'
  4. Yup, you're right, back in the day it cost me a bit too much, nowadays it's not worth that much. I'm open to offers, not too worried about hanging on to it. So come on, how much you want this guitar for? Let's haggle!
  5. Gibson melody maker for sale, made in usa, serial number 00263448 (if you punch that in to a website you can get the exact place it was made along with a date). Some minor scratches on the headstock, nothing too big. Comes with the Gibson USA gigbag Sorry about the photos, crappy camera phone Asking for about 320 o.n.o. Cheers, get in touch if you're interested! Oh yeah and I have a full yamaha "rydeen" drumkit except for cymbals. Yeah I lost the cymbals and sticks If you're interested get in touch too, I'll sort the price out with how much you want. I have bass drum, single bass pedal, floor tom, two other toms, snare drum, high hat stand, couple of other cymbal stands, stool, good for spares or if you want a drum kit but have your own cymbals... It's red if you're interested, couldn't tell you anymore, will take pics on request. Cheers, Mike Turner
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