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Oedo 808

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Posts posted by Oedo 808

  1. There are two bits of this story I really like:

    An ambulance was called to the scene in the city of Townsville, northeastern Australia, but the woman was killed instantly.

    That's the decapitated woman we're talking about, right?

    -Call an ambulance, a woman's just been decapitated!

    Minutes later:

    Nee Naw Nee Naw Nee Naw

    -We got here as quick as we could - where's the patient?

    -Over there. And... over there.

    -Oh dear God! I think I'm going to need a bucket

    -You feeling sick?

    -No no, I just need something to carry her head in

    A policewoman told me it was the worst thing she had seen in 15 years.

    Makes you wonder what she saw 16 years ago.

    • Upvote 2
  2. You're shitting me, right?

    No. I am not. I know they used to have this rule.

    I set up our band page a while ago and when confronted by this thought... "sod that!"

    Upon returning to the page more recently I found that I could now upload music, so I presume one of the other boys did it.

    Facebook also refuse to give you a short, personalise url [facebook.com/yourband] for band pages unless your band is "significant" making it more difficult for smaller artists to advertise their page without buying advertising from facebook.

    Facebook in general is run by a complete bunch of cunts but it's by far the most popular social networking site at the moment so you've got to learn to overlook that.

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