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Oedo 808

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Posts posted by Oedo 808

  1. Won't this 'helping smaller parties' business mean that the likes of the NF or BNP will be able to get more seats


    If 20% of a constituency vote BNP, however abhorrent we may find their views, they should be allowed to represent those people

    Both these posts suggest a misunderstanding of how AV works.

    Firstly, AV is not proportional representation. There is no list vote. People might say it is a "more proportional" voting system, but that's not the same thing. Not even close.

    Currently, if 20% of the cast votes go to the BNP and their nearest rival gets 19% the BNP wins. But in AV they look at the ballots of the people who voted for the least popular candidate and see who their 2nd choice was. They then add those ballots to the piles of their 2nd choices. This goes on until someone has the required % of the vote and is declared the winner.

    In other words, people from across the political spectrum would need to be listing the BNP as a high preference in their voting.

    AV will help only the smaller parties that people find generally unobjectionable, feel lukewarm about and have heard of. You could call this the "I agree with Nick" effect. Of course, when these parties get anywhere near power your mild appreciation of them might very well evaporate.

    I don't think most people are lukewarm/unsure about racism.

    Personally, I don't think the AV vote is really important or even very relevant. Right now I think I'll vote YES because the idea seems to annoy the Tories.

  2. What's the normal encoding these days? I was used to 128K back in the day and the quality is noticeable there. When you buy mp3s, say from itunes what encoding do they come at? 192?

    Anyway, I've found this article quite inspiring in a backwards sort of way. Makes you think about different ways to present your music.

  3. are Nirvana good enough musically to be mentioned in the same breath as Led Zep, Beatles, Rolling Stones etc

    I don't think that's the point. Nirvana were at the forefront of a musical revolution which propelled the idea of 'alternative' music into the mainstream (an oxymoron I know) and changed the face of music forever.


    With regards to repetition: of all the great composers Mozart is probably the most repetitive of the classical period and he's still regarded by most (rightly or wrongly) as the greatest.

    So the idea that Nirvana are repetitive or whatever just doesn't hold water with me. The point is that Nirvana took those building blocks and created great songs from them. The song is more important than its constituent elements, so while a technically brilliant musician might make you gasp in amazement at their sheer skill and ability a great song performed with integrity and emotion will capture your heart and fire your imagination.

    That's what Nirvana did. I ask you; which is the greater legacy?

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