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Posts posted by EnkaiScreamer

  1. okay, ive managed to sell my les paul on ebay so will soon have a pocket of about 250-300 and im looking for a superstrat, dual humbuckers, possibly a single coil in there too if its an ibanez.

    looking for ibanez, jackson, ltd, schecter.. you know all the decent superstrat guys :D

  2. I know the feeling dude! Something I have for sale at a good price has been waiting 10 months!

    that really sucks... haha...

    is it your EMG 81? ;)


    ive got a mate who might buy it for 300 but ill have to wait and see...

    im torn between LTD and ibanez, i can get a few decent LTDs on GAK.co.uk for about 250+

    but theres also a couple of decent ibanez's for the same price... :(

  3. Im wanting to sell or trade this Jackson DKMG Dinky. to trade, anything from an ESP LTD to Ibanez or something of similar make/ style.

    The guitar has been gigged a fair few times and has a couple of nicks so im looking for about 200 for it (half of original price), willing to possibly slide a bit lower.

    the pickups are EMG-ESP LH-200's which have a split coil system.

    I find these to sound better than emg's due to the tonal versitility with the coil tap, and the pickups being passive.


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