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Fraser Mac

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Posts posted by Fraser Mac

  1. brilliant.


    I really hope anyone other than Escape to Victory or Heller State win, just to see the tears shed on this forum!

    If that happens, i will physically rip everyone thats read this thread's laptop/desktop screens in half from the inside, out. o_O

    But really,

    E2V should win this as they are really really decent live,

    where as hearing/seeing heller state, was like watching a green day cover band, but without any of the green day songs you know,

    which is good if your really into green day / SoCal / '99 Punk Pop, Which im not.

    and as these are the only two ive seen, i can only make comments about these two bands,

    *To Clarify*

    E2V>HS imo, as its not my thing,

  2. Good on Heller State if they're getting folk to sign up to the forums to vote for them.

    Good on them in what way?

    its not as if most of these sign ups will contribute to the forum,

    Last year. a bunch of people from my college class did the same for a band, where are those contributors now?

  3. Give it a break, you're quickly turning into the most irritating cunt on this forum.
    So what youre saying is that unless youve been a member of aberdeen music for ages, you cant vote?

    Think youre missing the point of this.

    Anyone can vote for whoever they want.That's the whole point in the fudge awards.

    Aberdeen votes for who they want to win.

    Youre being pathetic, probably because youre not winning and you think youre better than the other bands in the poll.

    Maybe you are! But that doesnt matter.

    "How old are you? Fucking 5!?!


  4. A continuation of the driving theme...

    When I'm on the Dual Carriageway at Balmedie a driver is doing 50 on the right handside lane and has no intention of turning right. Em... are you overtaking or are you just sitting in the wrong lane because you don't have a fucking clue?!

    Oh man. dont get me started.

  5. Groups of schoolkids on buses. Many shops sensibly only let 2 or 3 of the little shitcunts in at a time and buses have got to start doing the same. On they steam, gaggles of the rampaging little fucktoads making loads of noise, shouting, banging on the windows and then playing fucking gangsta rap on their shitty phones. Gangsta? Don't make me laugh you little prick, you'd last 3 fucking seconds tops in the Bronx. Gangsta indeed. A burst condom, that's all you fucking are. And you know it.

    You should do something about it.

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