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Posts posted by Jaaakkkeee

  1. Please keep us updated on the itchiness on yr arse throughout the day.

    UPDATE: Went to do a piss and thought I'd have a cheeky wipe. Found out I was definitely not finished. Although my boxers have stayed clean. My arse is red raw now like. I think it's as clean as it's going to get.

    That's what 3 cups of coffee in 3 hours will do to you folks.

  2. You should get more fibre in your diet.

    My shitting is normally great. It's normally an enjoyable experience. I'm just having one of those days I think.

    Update: Went back, no one had been to toilet so my shitty paper was there. Wiped some more. Flushed then wiped again. Clean enough I think. Might get an itch later but I'll live.

  3. Those shits that don't actually come out. Resulting in far too much wiping and occaisionally dirty fingers.

    And the fact the toilet at work doesn't fill up again fast enough so i had to shit, wipe, flush, wipe and leave toilet paper in. And I don't think i'm finished wiping but i couldn't fill the toilet with paper since it wont flush for a few minutes. Might pop through again before lunch.

  4. I tend to tip people if it's below a rounded figure. like if it's a 4 quid taxi i give em 5. I've found myself giving em funny numbers like 6 if the taxi is 4.60+.

    I used to tip the hairdresser but Not so much anymore 'cause I'm usually a flat tenner. Plus her boobs don't brush my neck.

    Everyone else gets a tip unless I'm paying by card. And even then if it's shit weather and I've paid pizza hut by card the delivery guy still might get a quid.

  5. The problem with the Greys/Keys thing Sky had and thus fired them is they did it in the workplace. You cannot act like that in any way in a professional environment.

    I know earlier you said you enjoy a laugh with likeminded people in a work situation and yes it's fine for those invloved as long as no one is offended. However as a business Sky or any other company for that matter does not want to be associated with any of those opinions. To some people they are offensive and in the workplace you need to be totally professional.

    Whether it should or should not have been recorded is another matter. It is simply unacceptable to be caught talking like that in a professional environment.

    Fixed. As during the Greys/Keys thing no one was offended until the video was leaked.

    Which brings me back to a post just a page back - ignorance is bliss.

  6. Not much point in buying a CD if you're going to rip it to an mp3 player or your computer, which I suspect is what the vast majority of people do now.

    What about collecting?

    I rip all my cds onto my laptop so I can listen to on my iPod. I never use cd players. But I like having them. I've actually got cds that I don't listen to but damned if I sell them.

    I also have unopened stuff that I've bought just so I have it.

  7. I'm the exact same, i don't give two seconds for what people think as long as they are willing to be polite, i don't really see that as being two faced. It's the people are going out of there way to be a dick to someone who i think are the bastards.

    My girlfriend often says "Why do you talk to so and so they're bastards to you behind your back"

    And I tell her my reasoning and that there's not point holding grudges and she doesn't like that one bit. Ha.

  8. Unlucky. Mic's should have been switched off. Imagine how much of this is going on but the mics haven't been on so no one knows. No one's the wiser and everyone's happy.

    My opinion on this whole thing is the same as two faced people - As long as they're nice/civil to my face, I don't give a heck what they say about me behind my back. Ignorance is bliss.

    EDIT: Don't get me wrong. This is way out of line and it's right that he resigned.

    But it's unlucky he got caught. As I'm sure many people don't get caught and get away with it. Which is why i said ignorance is bliss. Just incase I induced a shitstorm or something.

  9. The point to all this is that all these conventions have a time and a place and should be assessed on a person by person basis.


    Which is why after a certain conversation that took place between two people was assessed as such it was only deemed bad after a certain tv company decided to release the tape of said discussion.

    Andy Gray's discussion was meant to be private. The situation was assessed and the lineswoman should have never known. And neither should we have.

  10. I am perpetually getting into to trouble for multi-tasking. On Tuesday i was watching the football, playing FM2011 and surfing the net and was informed that as i wasn't devoting my full attention to the game it was pissing my lovely girlfriend off as she doesn't like football. The mind boggles, i just get the feeling that men are down-trodden these days as a result of generations before us being overly sexist.

    It's got to be said, women get away with some load of stuff and if a man did it it would be sexist.

    I still don't understand the problem with hitting a woman. I'll hurt my hand if I hit a man.

  11. People still use cheques?!?!?

    I've never ever used a cheque except when I got a cheque from orange and I had to cash it in. I've never even heard of anyone trying to pay anything by cheque any more and a lot of shops only recently stopped accepting. It seems more of an American thing...

  12. Pretty stupid post. He lives in one of supposedly one of the wealthiest cities in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and yet he still has to put up with that fucking shit. I don't know him and assume he's big and strong enough to look after himself but it genuinely upsets me to think of the kids growing up in that environment.

    We had a junkie nearby once that whenever us (when we were about 10) were outside, would plonk her 2 year old kid out to play with us so she could hit up. Or go find her next hit. And we'd be lumbered with this kid. Have to take it in and my mum had to give it food loads of times. We were having a big bbq one time and she came round with her kid and my dad went

    "Fuck right off. Your kid can come over but if it's so you can hit up you can take him and run to fuck you fucking junkie"

    "I'm not a junkie I'm an addiicctttt!!"

    My dad played it cool for the first time in his life and just went "Same difference, now fuck off".

    Safe to say I'm sure she's down to hash now and both kids seem pretty well looked after. But that's what it used to be like. Then someone left a cat out to die 'cause her flat was stinking 'cause she couldn't train it. and her dealers battered a neighbour of mine who then moved away.

    It's horrendous to think that there's people who work hard and struggle to find a flat but if they shoot up and have kids they can't look after they'll get put in next door to me.

  13. In my block, it's not junkies making all the noise. It's students. Always students. They have uncomprimising sleep patterns, and not only do they have no concept of volume, but what they opt to play at ball-shattering volumes is painfully shite more often than not.

    My block has had a problem with Junkies. We've managed to get most of 'em evicted but the council still seem contempt on shoving more in. The guy next door doesn't make a sound but his gf last night was taking the piss. there's babies and kids in this block. The Bitch.

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