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Posts posted by bazhornet

  1. Why not just ask bands if they want to do a charity gig rather than a B of the Bs ? You might get more of a response that way. In my experience its really only young 'upcoming' bands that are interested in a B of the Bs, in order to gain some exposure in a recognised music venue.

  2. Pussy....

    Its a shame how perfectly reasonable threads such as this one can so easily be subverted into something childish and smelly by people like you Howie.

    He just wants a singer/keys/guitar player who's mature and experienced, doesn't even have to be a top flight player....how simple is that?

  3. Hi, herer are a few bits you may want to relieve me of :

    Boss Bd2 (modded to give a smoother response)

    Carl Martin Classic Chorus

    Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive

    2 Kinman noiseless single coils

    1 Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates

    1 Seymour Duncan alnico pro 2

    Also a pair of TAD Tonebones.

    These operate in a similar way to thd yellowjackets. If you want to significantly alter the tone of your 6L6 powered amp by converting it into an el84 powered amp these will do it for you. They also reduce the volume of your amp by about 30%, meaning you can crank it up without blowing the roof off.

    All this gear is in excellent nick. Non pisstaking offers only.

  4. Most of a musician's playing time is spent in practise whether beginner or top flight or somewhere in between. Presumably its ok to do this in the kitchen, living room, etc. just not in the bedroom or you're in mortal danger of never being seen or heard of again....

    In all fairness I think all Mr.Scotland wants is a few people to play with who have some experience and can play a bit rather than complete beginners (?). The wording just makes it sound too exclusive and arsey.

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