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Everything posted by MatthewKV

  1. I found mass effect 2!
  2. Hey! Ok, so I never play this. It's working perfectly, a couple of years old. 40gb. One controller - a couple of games, i'll find them Any offers? Looking for somewhere close to 100 bucks. Thanks, Matt
  3. Good condition, barely used. Tenner each. Thanks.
  4. Thanks dude but I'm not so keen on those flimsy ones! I like the black/white/black eens!
  5. If you do, would you sell it to me please??? Thanks!
  6. Hey folks! Get in touch if you want some new tracks recorded! To hear my work, check out some bands like Milwalkie, Marionettes, Blatant Flaws, Midnight Horrors. I'll be recording up until August before I move from Scotland, so get in touch before I go!
  7. Hey folks! I'm still doing the recordings! Recently I've recorded Mark McCabe and the Midnight Horrors. More bands booked! Keep in touch. Website soon
  8. Thanks guys. I really want to make this about helping bands and getting good recordings. The whole charging by track thing is really just to avoid the whole 'cram 4 songs in a day and have them sound like shit' kind of thing
  9. Hey guys! I'm a songwriter/producer/sound engineer living in Aberdeen. After producing my own music for years I've decided to stop being selfish and offer my services to everyone else! I have a small studio set-up in my detached house. The equipment is basic but it get's me the results I need. If anyone wants some recordings, please get in touch. Instead of charging per day, I'll be charging £75 per track; this means I want you to be able to afford to get the songs sounding the way you want them - if you need three days to record one track, thats cool. I'm not doing this to rake in cash, I'm doing it to try and help local bands in Scotland and save them from paying hundreds of pounds in shit studios with lazy old bastards that can't be bothered with them. For examples of my work check out Juniper Stadium's Ep here: www.juniperstadium.bandcamp.com I also just finished recording the Marionettes new single which will be available sometime soon on vinyl - but if you're interested in recording I could sneak you a sample if you need more convincing Thanks guys! Get in touch!
  10. Get down early to catch Juniper Stadium's first live show! People like Kris Morgan (Edgar Prais) and me haven't played live in aaaaaaaaaages so looking forward to it!! www.juniperstadium.bandcamp.com
  11. Hey guys, check out my new project Juniper Stadium and download the first EP for free from www.juniperstadium.bandcamp.com For live shows I'll be joined by Kristoffer Morgan of Edgar Prais on bass, Scott Bruce of Forest Fires on guitar and Sam Henley on drums! Thanks!!
  12. Is your Grandpa hiding an old road bike in his shed covered in dust?? Well slap that old man and take it from him! Then, you can give it to me. Thanks.
  13. Just like this een ken. http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=guitar+amp+stand&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=627&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10548908172458880633&sa=X&ei=xrT1T-3eEcit0QXlh7CFBw&ved=0CIcBEPMCMAI#ps-sellers Tenner? Ta
  14. Haha, well maybe you're right there actually! It was a while ago anyway, basically it's an amp for someone getting started and cares only about rocking out and none of the wankyness about sound.
  15. Ps. I could deliver tonight whilst I still have the car but after that you'll have to pick it up from my folks as I leave the country tomorrow.
  16. Ok, need to get this back from my old practice space, so specs and model number still to come, but thought I'd chuck it up here quickly anyway just because I'm going to sell it really cheap. It's a 60w, non valve guitar amp, not amazing or anything obviously but perfectly suitable as a practice amp or for sticking in your practice place or whatever. It was my first amp and it's loud enough to compete with a drum kit. Just like £60? o.n.o Ta
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