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Posts posted by DJ Jo-D

  1. His South African accent in it is superb, very well done. His acting is nae bad either.

    I agree with you there, know a few South Africans and thought they were similar but then I'm not from SA, so probably like someone trying to be Scottish and there being different dialects etc....look at Ewan Bremner in Rundown.....WTF!? Irish or scottish?? hmmmmm

    I watched Felon the other night, quite enjoyed it and not just for peering at Stephen Dorff's hot boooody (Val Kilmer, looks weird in it!)

  2. yeah it's very redic to start with, but it's more to set the tone for the rest of the series...taking it away from the last 3 series......somethings you just have to accept as being part of the story

    lovin the rest of it, still quick paced and teabag still as funny as ever!

  3. Not sure if it's posted on here already, but DJ Lunik (Ketchup, Kef) has been put through to the last 6 finalists to play at Space for the ibiffa closing parties.....

    To win this major competition, she needs votes to help her succeed her life long amibition (done well so far!).....

    Show your support by clicking on the following link....

    To vote you need to be registered, so if you have the time to do this, please go to:

    We Love Music - Official Website

    and fill in the registration form. You will then receive a confirmation email from We Love, with an activation link. This will log you into the We Love site, and then you can Vote, on this page:

    We Love Music - DJ Mixes & Biographies

    She's at the very bottom of the page - with red war paint on ;)

    Thanks in advance to all who take the time to help support our local talent!

  4. Anyone watching this? Anyone know when Ep3 is shown??

    watched the first 2 and found it a little far fetched, but not so much to put me off, glad they have taken a different approach!!

    Still majorily creaming ma pants in excitment!

  5. I'm fussy with my electro... but I'd definately go if it was what I was into.

    Nothing has lived up to the Chicks on Speed DJ set that I sat through in Snafu. If it's anything remotely like that then I'd be there with bells on.

    Did you enjoy that? Was my night , but alas I was on holiday when they played, heard mixed reports tho :)

    I think I'd be interested in playing the od occasion!! :)

  6. Can't see any pic's booo!!

    I just got one done in Metallergy in Dundee, my DJ partner in crime has a piercing and tat shop and have met the guy who designs them for you so are unique. Amzing artist, I really didn't see anything I wanted but sent loads of designs, went there and he free styled on my back with biro, then over with ink....LOVE IT, better than I would have imagined.....will get up a photo if I can work out how to use my phone!! haha

    Highly recommend Metalergy in Dundee, lovley shop, people and ok there is a waiting list of about a month or so, but it's worth it!!

  7. Can't stand Dave Clarke DJin, but some of his production is good! Last 4 times saw him I vowed not to go again, but did...until now :)

    I went to ADE last year for my birthday and defo going again this year Flights & Accom are all booked !!!

    Only thing I recommend is you buy tickets in adv, we didn't last yr, still went to Cicea and Sugar Factory which were good clubs - the que for Sven Vath was unbelievable , but defo going to see him this yr at the cocoon event :)

    Also quite fancy Friday @ Melkweg...

    klinch: superrauw

    Digitalism (Kitsun / Virgin, DE)

    Crookers (Southern Fried Records, IT)

    Tommie Sunshine (Ultra Records, US)

    Tittsworth (T&A Records, US)

    Daniel Haaksman (Man Recordings, BR)

    Joost van Bellen (Rauw, NL)

    Melomanics (Black Label, NL)

    Wannabe A Star (Man Recordings, NL)

    Beesmunt Soundsystem (Amstereo Galaxy, NL)

    Ooh and theres a Cocoon Afterparty from 5am to 12pm ;)

  8. RIGHT NOW I'm listening to Apparat and Ellen Allien's album 'Orchestra of Bubbles', which I highly recommend.

    Most played albums at the moment are Fuck Button's 'Street Horrrsing', Feist's 'The Reminder' and Error's 'It's not something but it is like whatever'

    Ooh cheers, don't have any of those, so will look up!

  9. Damn how did i manage to leave The Lost Boys off my list.

    The greatest thing Keifer Sutherland has ever done (I hate 24).

    I LOVE 24!! Movie out in nov too, YES!

    Think I might refuse to watch the sequel to lost boys tho, or i might give in to curiosity

    Kung Fu Hustle

    I have this, so funny!

    10. Dead Mans Shoes Amazing performance by Paddy Considine.

    Great movie!!! Watched this a couple of weeks ago

  10. so many movies to fit into 10! Some which have stuck in my mind and would re-watch are:


    Lost Boys


    Very Bad Things


    Butterfly Effect


    Fear n Loathing in Las Vegas

    Children of God


  11. Right I need some inspiration for new music to chuck on my newly acquired iPood for my holidays....so.....

    What you listening to right now?

    Aim - Cold water music - Ain't got Time to waste

    What albums are most played on your ipod/mp3?

    being doing shuffle but, so far discovered that I like.......

    Banco de Gaia - 10Years

    FSUK Vol 3 - Bentley Rythm ace

    Dreadzone - Biological Radio

    Simian Mobile Disco - Attack decay sustain release

    Also quite liken the Roni Size/Reprazent album

    Any albums you would recommend we get?

    Simian Mobile disco & FSUK

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