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Posts posted by Bigsby

  1. Don't know why everyones so concerned with Georgia. Fair enough away game, eastern european opposition but they are SHIT. They're 2nd last in the group below Lithuania. I was very worried about Ukraine game but I think we'll beat Georgia comfortably-ish. I'm still a bit concerned though.

    Just a potential banana skin. It's Scotland, so we're used to something going wrong at some point. If we can beat France and Ukraine, then we SHOULD beat Georgia, but I'm sure we've all seen games where a team has been an overwhelming favourite but failed to break down the supposedly "weaker" team. Hope they win though, then the Italy game will be amazing.

  2. I just don't think I could ever prefer a doughnut to a good old danish pastry and a cup of coffee. Sugar icing swirl, pecan and maple syrup, then your french breads as well. I just don't see the comparison. And the advertising campaign makes the idea less attractive. I just don't like eating from a box that said "Krispy Kreme" or even any commerical outlet that sells junk food. Surely someone just prefers chocolate digestive biscuits. They're way less overpriced as well.

    I just don't see how people could prefer to listen to a Westlife album over Steve Earle, but millions do. People have different tastes.

  3. AFP: Georgia's latest weapon against rebel separatists: disco

    Georgia's latest weapon against rebel separatists: disco

    TBILISI (AFP) Authorities in ex-Soviet Georgia have turned to a new weapon in their struggle against rebel separatists in the breakaway region of South Ossetia: disco.

    Officials have announced that disco legends Boney M, known for such 1970s hits as "Rasputin" and "Daddy Cool," will play a concert Saturday in the tiny, Georgian-controlled village of Tamarasheni on the edge of the rebel capital, Tskhinvali.

    The concert is part of a wider effort to convince South Ossetian rebels that they would lead more peaceful, prosperous -- and possibly funky -- lives under Georgian control.

    "Our message is that we are against war, extremism and violence. We want to resolve all problems peacefully, and peaceful life resumes where people sing songs," said Dmitry Sanakoyev, the head of a rival pro-Georgian administration in South Ossetia.

    The concert will be held in a new concert hall erected in Tamarasheni this year as part of reconstruction efforts in Georgian-controlled areas of South Ossetia.

    A patchwork of ethnic Georgian and Ossetian settlements spread out in the mountains of northern Georgia, South Ossetia broke away from central control amid heavy fighting after the Soviet Union's 1991 collapse.

    Sanakoyev's administration controls mostly ethnic Georgian villages that account for about a third of South Ossetia's estimated 60,000 people.

    Violence continues to plague the area and sniper fire is common after nightfall. This summer saw some of the heaviest fighting in the region in years, with both sides accusing each other of launching mortar and grenade attacks.

  4. Strange seeing an Internationalist going to the game as a fan, and engaging in the same drinking routines of the majority of others. Good on him I say!

    Just a personal view, but personally I think the drinking culture amongst players is pretty horrific. They are supposed to be professional atheletes. You would think they could sacrifice drinking for a few years until their career is over. I thought Andy Murray's recent comments on the issue were spot on.

  5. Just watched the Dons goals on the BBC site. Miller's second was superb, Aberdeen players aren't supposed to be able to control the ball like that.

    But the second penalty was clearly a dive, DeVischer should be punished.

  6. In general the people there are more attractive than here and having pictures from there on your website could increase the chance of someone looking at your site and deciding to choose you.

    Hog did my wedding. :nono:

    Oh, and I don't like auto music either, just got some funny looks in the office.

  7. Check out this cool story:

    I actually had a phone conversation with him. It lasted some 10 minutes. I got his Malibu # through a relative who worked for at&t. They told me they could get anyone's # so I said get me Bob's. This was about 10 years ago. When I called a women answered. She thought I was someone named David (his bro perhaps). I said that Bob did not know me. Just then someone else picked up the line and as sure as sh*t it was Bob. He spent the 1st 5 minutes asking how I got this number. I kept saying "lets just say I stumbled across it" and assured him that it was not getting circulated. I thought I might get my relative fired. After a while he gave up and straight up talked to me. We talked about the delta blues. I guess I seemed knowledgeable on the subject. He said I could call there anytime...but I assured him I would never call again (which I never did). I met him face to face once after a concert in Westchester...we just shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

    Expecting Rain Forums :: View topic - have you met him?

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