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Posts posted by waltz

  1. I just don't understand this whole "woe is me, what about men?!" argument. Come on. Patriarchy has existed as long as time has. There are communities of insects better at sharing power between genders. I don't buy into the idea that men have any right to complain about sexism to the same degree whatsoever. If it's happened to you, fair enough, and I'm not at all denying that female-on-male sexism exists but does it really affect you to the extent that Kirsten's example of fairly typical, everyday sexism worked you into that much of a lather?

    We've created a culture where it's okay to joke about rape. Where boardrooms are still dominated by men. Where advertising is still used to belittle and objectify women. Where the comparative percentage of female politicians to male politicians is laughable. Where almost every woman I know has at least 3 or 4 stories of being groped, harassed or made to feel unsafe by men.

    Kirsten gave one example of a sexist incident, and why she hated it. And what happened? A bunch of men just jumped on it to argue about the ideology of feminism. Even going as far as saying there's no need for it. I mean...? You're saying men are allowed opinions too but the forcefulness of the debate, and the fact Kirsten had to explain what annoyed her about A WOMAN BEING GROPED?! Ridiculous.

    I realise the irony of another man throwing his two cents in, I just can't believe it's not a given that sexism exists, is shit, and that's that.

    • Upvote 7
  2. Lawro mindlessly mashed his hands against his keyboard, whilst probably dribbling all over himself, and came up with this piece:


    It almost makes me want to see England get shitkicked so the typical "I only watch the Premier League" bell-ends can stop thinking Barkley and Sterling are the best in the world, and other countries young players are non-entities.

    That's right. Steven Gerrard > Pirlo. and Henderson > De Rossi. Lawro clearly shits out of both ends.

    I'd take Buffon at right back over Glen fucking Johnson.

    Lawro is an oxygen thief.

    Interesting use of 'us' and 'our' for a man capped by Ireland.

  3. Who does expect that?

    According to a lot of the stories I've read, we're a Champions League club (okay) and that we should be aiming to do well in that competition (?).

    Also, inevitable comparisons to Paul Le Guen, from the likes of insufferable blue-nose prick Graham Spiers.

  4. Looks to be a reasonable appointment for Celtic that fits with their strategy of buying promising but untested players (now managers) in the hope that they'll ship them on for big bux later on.

    Seems to have a reputation for developing players which also suits the above.

    Easiest job in world football tho? :angel:

    Domestically yes, but there's huge pressure on Celtic managers to perform in Europe. I'm not really sure why anyone would expect us to get to the last-16 of the CL every season, but hey.

  5. moyes_1727193a.jpg

    Haha, I'm refusing to consider him as an option just because I absolutely don't see it happening. I'd be fine with Moyes though. He's proven himself as someone who is capable of assault, so he could aggressively win my heart <3

  6. I'm genuinely unenthused by any of the candidates for the Celtic job.

    Roy Keane - would lose the dressing room fairly quickly if history is anything to go by. Tactically naive, prone to tantrums.

    Malky Mackay - decent manager but I'm certain he'd jump ship if a decent English job came up.

    Paulo DiCanio - lol, no.

    Owen Coyle - already turned the job down, and similar to Malky in that he'd probably move quickly to work at a decent level in England again.

    Michael Laudrup - only seems to have one good season at a club before losing interest.

    I'd honestly take Jackie McNamara over any of that lot. Sure it'd be a risk, as he's still in the early stages of his career, but Neil Lennon had no managerial experience and for all the criticism he gets, Celtic fans love him, and he brought a lot of excitement back to the club after the latter stages of Strachan's reign, and Tony Mowbray's extended prank of a stint at Parkhead.

    So there you go.

  7. Joakim Noah put up another triple-double last night. I knew he was good, but when he has to carry a team like he is with the Bulls right now... Some guy.

  8. I don't get this new crop of 'memes' that have a picture of someone recognisable, but the text is just some generic shite.

    Something like this, for example:


    Ricky Bobby didn't say that. Why is it over a picture of Ricky Bobby? There's lots of them, with different people, with weird statements blazed over the top.

    Stop it now.

    Oh god, totally agreed. It's often Will Ferrell for some reason.

    Memes in general are pretty shite though. I don't understand why they're amusing to actual adults.

  9. The Ghost Hunter. No-one else seems to remember it, but I thought it was great.

    I used to watch re-runs of stuff my folks liked, so the Herbs and Mr. Ben were OG dons in my childhood scene.

    Power Rangers and Fun House were big. I wanted to be on Fun House so much.

    Stopping now before this becomes a Peter Kay gig. REMEMBER THINGS?

  10. Pinact are great, although I don't know how much they'd identify as an "Aberdeen band". Good friends, great songs.

    Lenin Death Mask are going to be a force. Not only do they make enormous CHOONZ, their hard-working DIY ethic is really impressive. They've organised themselves extremely well, it's remarkable that they've only started playing recently.

    EWSIF fucking suck.

    Min Diesel just rule. It's refreshing to hear melodies with a distinctly north-eastern humour, but Zippy's accent is natural and it isn't forced, like Twin Atlantic or something. Stu improves as a drummer every time I see him play, and Warden has serious chops.

    [ ] are just insane. So, so loud. Righteous.

    Seas, Starry are total babes, I think they're making amongst the best post-rock/ambient stuff in the UK right now.

    Carson Wells ought to be huge. Ridiculous tekkers.

    There's not many bands I hate, but I agree that Miss Lucid have a bizarre attitude to gigs. Making flashy music videos as well before seemingly doing much else... I dunno, it seems weird to me. Their guitarist that I've spoken to is a nice dude though.

    And fucking sit down, Phil. Ridiculous post. Not climbing up Ewan's arse here, but he does a shit-tonne for music in Aberdeen, ignoring that because of some beef on the internet is pretty reductive.

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