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Posts posted by DeadMetal

  1. hey guys just wanted to come by and say good job to the Onion Terror lads, you guys put on a good show your stage performance and crowd interaction was really good (something we lack in at the moment) but meh only our 4th ig we can only go forward, anyway hope to see you guys around :)



  2. feel bad for you guys, i know exactly what your going through, weve gotten so fed up of looking for a drummer that im at the point where im hanging up the bass and attempting to learn drums just so we can get moving :moody:

    anyway GL guys u got allot of skill and potential, hopefully some day soon someone will see it and come play for u :)

  3. still no one so i thought id give more info

    were a metal band, with allot of tracks ready to go and allot more being worked on, we obviously write and play our own stuff. (visit the myspace page to see our influences)

    we have the oppertunaity waiting for us to go over to germany and do a 3 month tour there, so obviosuly were looking for someone that wants to go somewhere in music and not sit around scotland for the rest of there life.

    we have out own rehersal space that we can use any time for free with all the equipment there and ready including a Premier Olympic Drum Kit.

    we would preffer someone with transport but its not essential, age doesnt matter (we varey from 19 to 30) drummer must be willing to travel and leave the country, someone with drive and commitment is needed.

    MySpace.com - DeadMetal - Aberdeen, UK - Metal - www.myspace.com/deadmetal07

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