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Posts posted by vega

  1. The best one i've seen on a prelim paper was the suggestion that a female should 'use sex to win her job back'...

    The pupil forgot to put the 'discrimination act' part of her answer in.

    Was still tempted to give them the mark though :up:

    EDIT: Unfortunately schools look down upon some of the amazing answers that you see on blogs/messageboards e.g. 'Find X - There it is', 'Batman drawings', 'Why would you not trust this source? She's a woman'...

    ...which the pupil who drew a picture of He-Man for an answer in his French Prelim this year found out :down:

    Was it any good? I love He-Man. :)

  2. I had a listen to this when the album was released or the 7"....sometime last year anyway. Didn't think much of it, might have a listen later. From what I remember, it just made me want to put on Orchid. I'll give it another whirl though.

    One of The Number Twelve Looks Like You is in them too, aye?

    New Thursday album out this week/next week. Heard mixed things.

  3. bumping this thread because my favourite band street smart cyclist have just uploaded their entire discog! ...as happy as this all makes me, it's still kinda sad :(


    download here

    its only 25.58 MB, but pretty much the best band since Braid so if you like twiddly mathy shouty stuff get this :)! it has the 3 song demo/7", the acoustic cd-r thingy, and the two other unreleased tracks (probably my favourite?). I know a certain Ross will be kinda happy :D!

    It has made my day. I'm going to make a full discog CD-R for the car later on. :popcorn:

  4. Aye! Much excitement! :D

    Still waiting on that Beyond God and Elvis EP. Ordered it at the same time as the new Neil On Impression, which has had more hold-ups than I can count. :swearing:

    As a result, Denovali have yet to ship it and the other stuff I bought.

    Still looking forward to this album, though. :)

  5. I want names!

    D'you think the guy from our school that got caught stealing women's underwear from TK Max counts as an amusing theft story? I was definitely amused.

    :laughing: Ah yes! Wasn't it two brothers? Whilst in there with their mum...I'm sure it was! I believe they were served a lifetime ban from TK Max too.

    I work in Westhill one, Matthew. This chap is prolific by the sound of it! :p

  6. There's a guy that goes round Tesco stores (and maybe other supermarkets...), stealing TV's. He asks for the largest, most expensive HD TV that particular store has (often the most expensive item in the shop). He'll get it in it's box from non-food peeps and put it in his trolley.

    He'll walk around the supermarket for a wee while, then go to the front door and say something along the lines of, "my girlfriend/wife/brother etc, is doing a bit more shopping, but I was hoping to put this in the car just now", he'll produce a receipt of some kind and wave it about a bit. Because of the security tag on the box or within the box, he'll then say the whole thing won't fit in his boot, and can he just take the tele boxless.

    Supermarket staff being as they are, accept all this and in the case of our shop, haul folk off check-outs and get the security guy to help carry the TV to this guy's car. He drives off with free television.

    It took our store a good couple of days to realise this had happened, I think it's timed a wee bit before sales are totalled for the week/month/period etc, just guessing though. Managers in particular, were a wee bit embarassed, and the staff that helped him were "re-trained". :)

    I laughed lots and lots and lots when I heard all of this. :popcorn:

  7. I'm afraid so.

    Stuff that's left:

    Everything now 5, except OMG.


    Amanda Woodward S/T picture disk

    Mass Movement Of The Moth - Finale

    Shai Hulud/Indecision split


    Battles B EP

    The Blood Brothers This Adultery Is Ripe

    Fugazi - Repeater *HELD*

    Old Man Gloom - Christmas (6)

    Poison The Well Tear From The Red picture disk

    Poison The Well You Come Before You

    The Quiller Memorandum S/T

    Windmills By The Ocean S/T

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