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Posts posted by Murrr

  1. Pretty buzzed for this album's release on the 20th. I've always thought that Pro Era were the weakest of the Beast Coast movement's three big groups, but every track that Joey's dropped lately has been great. Kinda formulaic, but I'm a sucker for well-executed boom-bap sounds. I'm glad he's toned down the weird grunty delivery he was using for a while and all.


  2. I've found that a lot of Aberdeen-based Celtic supporters have a really weird chip on their shoulder about Aberdeen's recent successes. Like, I've spoken with a few who just completely dismiss Aberdeen's League Cup win, fantastic league form, lack of debt, etc. I can't really wrap my head around it. As soon as Aberdeen won the cup it was all "yeah calm down, you've not won the Champions League." It's as if they're the only club that are entitled to be successful, and other clubs making genuine progress just doesn't count.


    I think this is probably because the only SPFL club that's actually been significantly hurt by "armageddon" is Celtic, and they can't accept that.

  3. I've got a bottle of champagne in my cupboard that I bought ages ago, in anticipation of him leaving. It's going in the fridge when I get home, popped open if/when he goes, and then I'm going on a month-long bender. If you don't hear from me by February, send help.

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  4. Done deal. Rondo + Dwight Powell to the Mavs for Brandan Wright, Jae Crowder, Jameer Nelson and a handful of draft picks. Time to hand Marcus Smart the keys in Boston. Rondo was never going to stick around in the summer, so it was smart to at least get *something* for him, and Smart has an outside shot at "Rookie of the Year" with Jabari on the shelf. Wright and Crowder are serviceable players with expiring contracts, and Nelson will be a great mentor for Smart.


    Honestly, I'm a little gutted for Nelson, as I thought he had a great chance of getting a ring in Dallas. That Mavs team is scarrrrry now though. Rondo feeding Ellis, Dirk, Chandler and Parsons is just unfair. These guys have played exciting, winning basketball with a cluster of mediocre point guards this season, so I'm excited to see what they can do with the most selfless point guard in the NBA in their line-up.

  5. Maybe they'll grow on me, but I'm not enjoying these new Kendrick songs at all. Though this one is at least a bit of a step-up from "I", which was one of the least enjoyable songs I've heard this year.


    Black Happy/TDE have generally had a very disappointing year, IMO. Ab-Soul and Schoolboy Q both released subpar albums and sounded like watered-down versions of their former selves, and the Kendrick/Jay Rock albums that were pencilled in for 2014 haven't materialised yet. Isaiah Rashad was the only guy from that stable to release anything I'd call above average.


    Aside from that, I think it's been a great year for hip-hop. RTJ2 is one of the best hip-hop albums I've ever heard, MadGibbs was outstanding, Diamond District blew me away, and PRhyme and Ghostface have just dropped two late AOTY contenders.

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